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3rd person pov

Percy and Annabeth were in Sally' apartment, fighting over what to watch on TV.
"I want to watch Big Bang theory" ️Annabeth yelled and tried to grab the remote.
"Well I have the remote so we're watching top gear." percy countered holding the remote further away from the now fuming Annabeth!

Annabeth had, had enough of this, percy was constantly changing the Chanel whilst she was trying to watch something. usually she loved top gear but she was in the middle of a program.
There was one thing left to do!
She jumped on percy in an attempt to get the remote.
"Haha you have to try harder wise girl!" Percy threw Annabeth on to the couch in fits of laughter and darted for the kitchen.
annabeth quickly jumped up now laughing to, trying to catch percy!
in seconds percy disappeared.
annabeth looked around confused.
percy jumped out and grabed her waist making her squeal. percy pulled annabeths back closer to his chest. he trailed kisses up her next to her jaw and finaly just below her ear.
"how 'bout we forget the tv and do something in my room?" percy seductively whispered. Annabeth giggled then elbowed him in the chest, grabbed the remote and made a run for it.
"Oh come on" percy complained and chased her into the living room.
️Annabeth stood the other side of the couch ready to run the second Percy made a move!
Percy ran and Annabeth bolted towards the bathroom!
She locked the door.
"Ok wise girl let me in"
"No seaweed brain, if I don't get to watch my program you don't get to watch yours!" percy groaned loudly and continued to bang on the door until ️Annabeth finally opened the door!
"Catch me if you can" she yelled pushing Percy out of the way and sprinting up the stairs!
Percy followed quickly but stopes abruptly and Annabeth started to tumble!
She fell straight into percys arms. percy simply picked Annabeth up and carried her to his room, Annabeth giggling the whole way as percy smirked to himself.

Let's just say lots of moaning was heard after that!

Hey guys thank for reading my terribly crap stories I love you guys.

Any suggestions or request just comment and I'll do them.

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