The returned

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After the war the seven stood infront of the gods , leo had come back with calypso, and the gods had called a meeting with the heros. They had been granted one wish. The seven came together and decided on what they thought fit after a long and I mean a really long descussion. They asked the gods for the one thing they wanted. There friends and family to be rturned! They had been told it will be hard to do but the gods would do the best they could. The seven were satisfied with this answer. They went back to camp half blood together, happy with what they had been promised. And everything went back to normal, campers were training again coupkes were laughting and going on dates. Everything seamed normal and perfect for once in these demigods lives!

Percy and annabeth strolled through the strawberry fields hands connected and swinging as they walked together, roman demigods hung out with greek demigods and for once everything was perfect, the sun was shinning everyone was enjoying themselves. Sure camp jupiter had been destroyed and the romans were staying at camp halfblood untill it was rebuilt so it was crowed at camp but no one really minded.
Percy and annabeth were so caught up in eachother they haden't noticed that everyone had disappeared until grover came running up to them.
"Hey G-man whats up?" percy asked
"the boundry got...get the boundry now" grover said pushing the two towards the boundry
"grover whats going on?" annabeth asked
"no time quick go" grover said pushing through croweds of demigods
percy and annabeth stood side by side against the rest of the seven
questions were flying around from all demigods. Then an arrow shot seminly out of nowhere, luckily frank caught it.
"theres a not" frank shouted so he could be heard
leo grabed it and read

"we come not as a theat, send your two leaders and we will talk." leo paused before adding "who are our leader?"

everyone turned toward percy and annabeth, people just naturally assumed they would take charge and no one seamed to mind.
"you and me" annabeth said
"always" percy answered
the two began to walk down the hill, weapons in hands just incase, you could never be sure as a demigod.
Percy and annabeth got closer to what looked like an army ready to attack, percy crept forward ready to pounce and slah anything that came near him.
"seaweed brain wait" annabeth wispered
she stood up and stepped forward percy franticaly trying to get her to stop.
"luke?" annabeth asked her voice breaking. Luke took off his helmet and lurched forward wraping annabeth in a hug. "im sorry" he wisppered in annabeths ear and she knew that he meant it, after all she had seen what he had done at the end of that battle. "I know you are" she answered him and they continued to hug
"silena" percy yelled as he grabbed her in a hug. "Percy I missed you too" she stated. Camppers came running down to meet there friends and family that were once dead.
"THE GODS KEPT THEIR PROMISE!" percy yelled as he contiued to hug his now undead friends. Hundreds of demigods were crying and hugging loved one's
"bianca!" nico yelled as he huged his sister, "oh nico look at you, look how old you are now!" bianica cried as she hugged him, percy looked away as Nico introduced bianica to Will and continued to reunite with his sister.
"luke?" luke quickly spun around to get slapped straight in the face by none other than...Thaila Grace "I deserved that" he stated, she slapped him again "and that," she went to slap him again but he caught her hand and kissed her instead.

"is that guy making out with my sister?" jason asked percy
"you know it bro." he laughed

"LUKE" percy yelled so loud everyone stopped to turn towards them
"JACKSON" Luke yelled back after hugging thalia away, they stood face to face a couple of steps apart everyone took a step back, even annabeth was afraid of what could happen, they had, had a long standing feud!
Percy opened his arms and out streched them
"welcome home!" he shouted, luke and percy hugged while everyone cheered!


Hours passed as all the demigods, Romans and Greeks began to disappear from the camp fire until only, Percy, Annabeth, Clarisse, Chris, Luke, Connor, Travis, Katie, Silena, Charlie, Bianca, Nico, Will, Hazel, Frank, Jason, Piper, Leo, Calypso, Thaila, Rachel, Reyna Juniper and Grover, they had introduced all the returned to the Romans and campers they had never met and were now just sat around the campfire sharing stories, lots and lots of stories, though Percy and Annabeth didn't say anything about their relationship and none of the returns knew about them being a couple! They just acted the way they always did, like best friends, they just didn't kiss.

"Its getting late." Grover said, "maybe we should leave before the Harpies come out" Grover looked around frantically before Percy spoke up
"Why don't you just come to my cabin tonight, Tyson's helping my dad out and I got the room, if you guys go get changed into pj's and stuff then come sleep round mine, problem solved!"
Everyone agreed happily and went to get changed as Percy and Annabeth headed straight towards his cabin, annabeth had been staying there since they got back from sally's after the war, so her stuff was already there the others just didn't know that. 

Hours passed and the gang eventually fell asleep, all couples cuddled up together apart from percabeth, as the others still didn't know they were together!

The group was awoken to aloud screaming everyone turned towards the noise, that annabeth was creating, which shocked everyone.
"Wake up Percy!" piper yelled as she and Leo started to shake him.
Percy woke up and instantly heard Annabeth's1 screams.
He shot over to where she was thrashing around and wrapped his arm's around her whispering thing like; its okay, were safe, and I'm right here, and I'm okay and everything's alright!

Annabeth woke up and was crying into Percy's shoulder "I love you, I love you, I love you" annabeth cried over and over again
"I love you too wise girl." Percy kissed her , and only noticed the open jaws of the returned when he slowly pulled away.

"HaHa long story"

Hope you guys enjoyed that it was my longest one yet and I really liked writing it tell me what you think! Also if you have any ideas tell me please

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