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the wedding had arrived! everything was in place, much to Lady Cecille's demise.

I stood there, looking at myself in the mirror in my corsets. I was incredibly scared. What if Lady Cecille had turned Eric away? What if she had other plans? What if he-

No. Eric loves me and he would choose me over any of those women. He did choose me over them. Stop being stupid.

My seamstress came over, my wedding gown in hand. Seeing the dress, made me realize everything. I was getting married. To a Prince, I was becoming a woman. A Princess.

Tears filled my eyes, the dress was beautiful. Maybe I was crying because of nerves too, but I was so happy.

I climbed into the dress and completely broke down seeing myself in it.

"Oh, dear! Is something wrong?!" My seamstress asked, panicked.

"No, no. I'm sorry. I'm just so happy!" I said, wiping my eyes. She smiled and told me I looked radiant.

My Mama also broke down when she saw me, and I swear I saw Alastor crying too.

Two hours had passed, guests were starting to arrive and my stomach was dancing.

"Stop pacing, dearest. You will be fine." Mama said.

"She's nervous, Ma." Alastor said, at my defense.

"There are so many people. I think I saw Ella and Kit there, Queen Ella and King Kit. I can't do this in front of them!" I wailed, covering my face in my hands.

"Hey, hey, you can. Just think, this is the best day of your life. The day you've dreamt of since you were a little girl!" Mama said. We took a few breaths before Grimsley entered the room.

"Are you ready? Mrs Callora and Mr Callora must take their seats now."

After Mama and Alastor left, I was spiralling. Grimsley could tell.

"You look radiant, my lady." He said. I smiled at him, even though I felt nauseous inside.

"Are you quite well, Miss Callora?" he asked, noticing my expression.

"I'm terrified. The King and Queen Ella are here and I'm terrified. I don't think I can move.." I heaved.

"My dear, all will be well. Come on, let me walk you downstairs and I'll tell you a story along the way." I smiled at his kindness and took his arm.

"What's the story?" I asked as we walked down the vast halls.

"Hmm, once upon a time, there was a man. A great man, who went by the name of Al, he worked day and night, and every night he would return to his loving home that he was greeted by his wife and kids. He worked in a very prestigious place. But Al soon disappeared, sent by angels to watch over his kids and wife, forever proud of them. Little would his daughter know, she was going to live and rule under his workplace forever." He said. I wanted to bawl at the story.

I was doing this for my dad, marrying into his second favorite place, his death place, but his favorite place. He spent his life here, and now I was going to live here and have my kids here too.

All with the man I love. My Eric, just Eric. Simple as that. Grimsley's story made me feel so much better about everything.

"Thank you, Grimsley. I feel much better now."

'Good, because it's about to start. I'll see you out there, do well, my Lady." He said, before handing me to a few ladies.

They gave me my veil and a bouquet with gorgeous lilac and white roses. I caught a glimpse of the garden, so many people. Belle and her husband were there, Ella and Kit, Jasmine and Aladdin. All of my fairytale daydreams were here, watching me and Eric getting married.

"You'll do wonderful, do not worry." One of the ladies said. I smiled heartily at her.

"I hope so. God, all the kings and queens are here, aren't they?"

"They always are. It's a royal wedding protocol.  Eric went to all of them, so it's only fair."

The time had come. It was her time to shine.

Eric was an emotional wreck already. Between nerves and anticipation, he was wrecked. His friend, Kit, helped him out.

"You're gonna be fine, don't worry. You always are. I'd say she's more nervous." Kit said. Ella was beside him and she slapped him arm lightly.

"Eric, all will be well, just be calm. We will sit down, Kit?" She said, Eric smiled at her. Before anyone could blink, the orchestra rang out and the doors opened.

There she was, walking down the aisle like an angel. She shone brightly in the sun. Felicity was ethereal. And everyone knew it as they gasped at her beauty.

She was beaming with pride as she took it step by step, her brother Alastor, Eric's old friend, walked her down. Eric's eyes filled with tears. He let them fall.

Alastor kissed his sister's hand, letting her go, she immediately smiled at Eric. Standing opposite him, Eric couldn't get over how she glowed.

"Prince Eric, do you take Felicity Callora as your lawfully wedded wife, till death do you part?" The priest asked.

"I do." He said, even more tears streaming.

"And do you, Felicity Callora, take Prince Eric as your lawfully wedded husband, till death do you part?" He asked Felicity.

She paused, taking a sharp breath. Eric's eyes went wide, awaiting her answer.

"I do." He was relieved.

"Then I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride!"

They kissed, and the whole audience rang out in applause and sobs.

She was married, he was married. In love forevermore.

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