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With baby Evelyn gone to bed, Eric and Felicity were finally alone.

Or so they thought.

Eric led her into a room, ready to express his love for her for the first time in a while but they were rudely interrupted by Lady Cecille, sitting with a book in hand.

"Why, if it isn't the world's happiest parents!" She spat.

"Mother, not now." Eric said, looking at her warningly.

"Oh don't mind me, Eric. I'm planning a ball for you two and Evelyn!" She cheered kindly. Felicity and Eric were both confused by her kindness. Had Felicity changed her?

"Now, Felicity, I have a few dresses in mind for you, which you will try on tomorrow. Eric, I've sent for some suits for you. I've invited every King and Queen from all around. None of my friends will be there." She continued kindly.

"Oh, since you are being so kind, My Lady, you can bring some friends. When is this ball?" Felicity asked.

"Ah, it's tomorrow night!" She said, her brown eyes shining in the candlelight. Eric was surprised at her sudden change of heart, but he dared not to say anything.

"That's wonderful, Mother. Thank you." He said, before sitting down on one of the couches where his previous scribbles were.
Felicity sat beside Lady Cecille, gathering the plans.

"Where is the baby?" Lady Cecille asked, turning her head towards the girl.

"She's with her nanny, being settled and tended to bed."

"Lovely. Now, would you prefer green or blue for your gown?"

"Green. I always shine in the colour green."

"I think you shine in any colour, my love." Eric said, as he shaded in his drawing of a ship.
Felicity smiled at him.

"Okay, I will have that set up for you right now,  do excuse me." Lady Cecille said, leaving the room.

"I don't know what you said, Felicity, but that's the happiest I've seen her in a long while!" Eric said, flicking his pages down and clapping his hands together.

"I'm rather excited, it's our first ball as husband and wife! or as parents!"

"Yes, very exciting. I will say, I cannot wait to see you in green. Or I cannot wait to see you shine like an emerald, my love."

"Oh, Eric, I am no emerald. I am just a woman. Not a shiny jewel in a box." Felicity said, picking her fingernails again.

"You're an emerald to me, my shining star. But you shine in your own way, not like everyone else and that is precisely why I chose you to stand with me always." He said. Felicity looked at him, tears in her eyes.

"I love you, Eric." She said, wrapping her arms around him. He held her back as she kissed his neck in a loving way. They stayed close together for a while.

How did I get so lucky? They both thought. Felicity was soon asleep in his arms, motherhood knocking her out entirely. She loved it, but never realised how much of a struggle it was. Always wondering if you are doing the right thing, always wondering if your baby is safe. It made her realise why her Mama never let her out of arms reach. And why she was so upset over the wedding.

The next morning, Felicity awoke on her own, gasping for air when she woke, thinking of only her baby. Where had Eric gone?

"Eric? Eric have you seen-" She said, running into the dining hall, seeing him feeding their month old baby. She sighed, relieved that they were both safe.

"Good morning, Felicity. I decided to let you sleep while I take care of Evelyn." Eric informed her as she rubbed his shoulder and kissed his forehead.

"Thank you, truly. I needed that sleep." She said, sitting beside him to eat her breakfast.

They ate together and it was time for Felicity's fittings. The green dress was beautiful on her, it really did make her shine.

"Beautiful girl." The seamstresses all said. Felicity smiled bashfully at them.

"This is perfect, thank you ever so much." She said, nodding at them all.

"We will be back after your lunch to get you ready, will that be alright?"

"That would be splendid, thank you." The women then undressed her and redressed her into her casual wear, a shirt and a pale yellow skirt, before leaving.

She returned back to her husband and baby.

"The dress is magnificent, you're going to love it!" She cheered, seeing how alive Eric's eyes were just looking at her.

"Trust me, you could wear a dress of rags and you'd still look beautiful." Felicity giggled at this and gave him a cute twirl, her hair slapping her in her face. Eric left Evelyn down in her bassinet and stood up to face his wife.

Brushing the hair off her face, he kissed her forehead. Felicity took his hand and kissed his fingers. Evelyn, who was watching from her bassinet, cooed happily.

"Do you want some of Mummy's love too? I bet you do!" Felicity said, tickling her child's stomach. Baby's laughter rang out all around. Eric chuckled at the happy scene.

"You really are good with kids." He said.

"You're very good too, Eric."

"I love the way you've always called me Eric."

"It is your name, and the only one you gave me when we met so.."

"Oh yes, back when you didn't know I was royal! How could you not know?"

"You weren't exactly wearing a crown, or a fancy pair of shoes like they do in the stories."

"True. But I'm glad you treat me like a normal person, it makes me feel safe."

"You are safe, as long as I live you will be safe. You and Evelyn will be safe." She said, her brown eyes becoming soft.

"What if I never told you I was a Prince? Would you love me any different?"

"Hmmm... no. I loved you the second I spoke to you. You're very well spoken, but no. I don't choose people by their ranking, for if I did that I'd be a prude."

"That's why I love you. And why I married

"Why did you cboose me?"

"Because you see people for what they truly are. You were brought up to be a real girl in a very real world. When you're upset or angry, you let me know, you show me. You can read my mind by just looking into my eyes. You're a real person, Felicity. With a beating heart and eyes that cry a thousand tears. I chose you because you are my emerald, my shining sun. You're the reason I thank my stars in the morning. Your the reason I'm so happy."

Felicity had tears in her eyes.

"And that's not even mentioning your beauty. You are so so beautiful, my love. The way your hair shines in the sun, the way your brown eyes shift into softness everytime makes me weak. I knew I'd stricken lucky just with your personality, but your beauty adds much to it. And if Evelyn is half of you, then she'll make her whole world shine, she will outshine the morning sun, she will be the emerald of someone's life, of our lives."

It's safe to say Felicity was crying now. And so was Eric. Evelyn, the youngest of them all, was the only one without a tear shed.

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