Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: Mature Language


I pushed open the car door, stepping out of the truck. I alighted with a light groan, feet thumping beneath me as they hit the ground.

I heaved myself up the stairs to my door with slight effort. I knock on the door, waiting for my brother to open it and let me in. I haven't gotten a house key yet, but hopefully for my fifteenth birthday I'll get one.

My brother slapped me on the shoulder, jutting me from my thoughts. He threw his head back in a hysterical laugh while I just glared and pushed him from my way.

I laid down my backpack with a groan, it was old from all the way back in middle school.

I cringe at its old designs, but I shrug as I began taking the substances out of it.

I pull my heavy binder from the bottom, throwing it to the side as I take out loose papers and note pages.

"You're so messy, Lola," my brother retorted, kicking away my binder as he walked past.

"Oh, hush. You know you were no better in high school," I sigh, arising from my kneeling position.

I kick my backpack into the corner from where it usually rests and pick up my papers, spilling them all over my school-used shelf.

I quickly make a rather untidy pile of all my things before slumping down onto the couch, pulling out my phone.

"At least school is over," I think aloud, throwing my head back with closed eyes as I rest my strained orbs from the blinding lights.

I opened my eyes after a second or two and checked the time, luckily it was only five thirty.

I'd have to start dinner shortly, but I had time to relax before then. Suddenly an alarming beep pulled me from my swirling thoughts.

I squeak as the power turns off, lights dimming before shutting down completely.

"What the fuck?!" my brother, Zakk barked.

My orbs widened, "surely it's just a normal power outage," I mutter, trying to convince myself more than anyone else.

"Sure," my brother sighed.

My parents creaked open the door to their room, slipping out with worried glances. They exchanged wordless speech, eyebrows raised with fear.

"Apparently two transmitters lost power," my mom spoke first, simply shrugging as though she wasn't spooked beforehand.

My father just stared out the window, lost in his thoughts from what I could tell.

"What if a power line caught on fire? The forest fires may have gotten too out of hand," I wail, my bottom lip quivering as scenes of what could happen ran through my head, overpowering my thoughts.

It seemed my brother had noticed because he slapped my shoulder, once again. He was obviously trying to lighten the mood, which we were all grateful for, yet it was useless.

I offered a forced smile before quickly and quietly racing to my room, closing the door once I entered.

I opened Facebook, checking through everyone's posts. As expected, everyone posted with whatever mobile data they had left, about what had recently occured.

I sigh inwardly, grabbing a book I had recently started reading and flipped through the pages until I found my bookmark. Laid down flat on page 184.

I was a bookworm, and reading seemed to relax me whenever I was stressed or worried.

I began reading where I left off, but still, my thoughts were elsewhere.

I grunt, closing the book without hesitation, I couldn't focus enough to read a book like that.

I grabbed my notebook, it was filled to the brim with paragraphs upon paragraphs of my days during school.

I pivot, scoffing inwardly as I read my first ever paragraph. My eyes scanned the page as I tilted my back onto my wall and began reading my diary.

'Ugh, the WORST day of the year. September 6th 2022. It's the first day of school, I AM NOT excited for this school year, I'm only in grade nine and dreading high school as is. I'm just in homeroom and everyone in this room looks like a self-centered brat. I've only just entered this class and can tell the difference between the brats, the jocks, the geeks, and.. oh ew, the teachers pets. Agh a geek is walking up to me. Gotta go!'

I laugh inwardly at my journalism skills before flipping to the next blank page. I pick up a pen and begin writing my next paragraph.

'June 29th, 2023. Oh just lovely, a power outage just arrived on the LAST day of school, the best day in the whole year. I'm supposed to be out, partying with my friends, ignoring my parents warnings and wishes for me to stay home, yet here I AM at home with the stupid power outage. I can't help but fret this is bigger than the others act, but I'm probably just overreacting as per usual. Yeah, I had a rough day, but I don't usually act this bitter about something as simple as a power outage.'

I write without even thinking, letting my thoughts control my hand as my pen glides across the page, writing whatever words came to mind.

Once I was satisfied with my diary entry, I closed the ragged, aged book and slipped it back onto its place on my shelf.

I was exhausted from school, and the power outage sent my thoughts spiraling.

I don't have to cook dinner, or I can't cook dinner, but I don't want to anyway.

I slip into my bed, pulling the duvet cover over my shoulders.

I let the wind lull me to sleep, and eventually I gave into my exhaustion, my whole body going limp.

I let the wind lull me to sleep, and eventually I gave into my exhaustion, my whole body going limp

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Hey loves, did you enjoy this chapter?
I HOPE SO. It was really short, sorry on my behalf. I guess this was an introduction to our lovely main characters.

How do you think Zakk will react when his little sister was righ-  I MEAN..

Next chapter will be LONGER I SWEAR.

Word count: 1018

༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽  -Lola


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