Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: Mature Language


I awoke, my legs stiff with sleep. I arise from my wrinkled sheets, blinking the sleep from my eyes. I rolled off my bed, sunlight streamed through my curtains.

I grunt as Zakk kicks open my door, eyes widened with trepidation.

"What, you look like you saw a ghost," I huff, getting off the floor as I hug the goosebumps on my arms.

"The power is still out," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his noise.

My eyes widened, I now shared Zakk's trepidation and frustration.

"Just let me get ready. Meet me in the living room in ten," I sigh, taking clothes from my closet as I wait for Zakk to leave.

He simply nodded stiffly and left. I gingerly changed my clothes, the cold November air filtering through my opened window, luckily the curtains were closed.

I wore a baggy, oversized shirt with grey sweatpants and some black converse. I spent little time brushing my hair as I could care less what I looked like on summer break.

As I had said I would, I went into the living room, joining my brother on the l-shaped couch, taking up almost half of the room.

The wall tv was near a few oak book shelves, filled to the brim with my favorite book series and stand-alones.

I folded my legs on top of each other, I could see my parents exchanging worried glances while my brother just stared off into space as if this was all a joke.

A sick joke

"Well? What news have you gotten?" I piped in, hissing through gritted teeth, impatient as I awaited my brother or parents to spit whatever they needed to out.

"Well.. as you know. The power is still out," my dad started, approaching the topic gingerly, as if it was an infected wound.

"And we are starting to believe that your prediction is.. Right. We figured talking to the neighbors could give us some more information on the topic," my dad finally finished, clearing his throat as he blinked warily.

My bottom lip trembled as I spoke and I had to bite it to stop myself from wailing aloud.

"Really.. surely we are just overreacting, right?" I pleaded, tears budding in the crests of my eyes.

My brother shook his head somberly and I felt myself inwardly break down.

"I'm sorry dear," my mother remarked soothingly, gently wiping the tears which streamed down my cheeks without me knowing.

I shivered, arising and darting to my room before anyone could protest or stop me.

I sobbed gently, almost quietly. I sat down grasping at my hair roughly as I cried.

My face felt red and cold from my salty tears, so I wiped my face.

Clutching my heart, I rushed to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, wiping away the tears and the redness in my cheeks slowly faded, subdued.

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