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"Quidditch is going to be great this year, my parents got me the Comet 260!" James practically beamed, entering the Great Hall with his housemates for lunch.

"Lucky bloke," Sirius punches his friend's arm playfully, "You better play well."

"What are you guys talking about?" Jason asks.

"So you guys really are like the Wicked Witch of the West." Y/n hums.

James stops abruptly, looking horrified, "You mean you don't know what quidditch is?!"

The two demigods look at him confusedly, shaking their heads. He shrieks in response, ushering his friends to sit down quickly.

"Come, come you poor children, let me enlighten you to the wonder that is quidditch".

"Quidditch is the best sport to ever exist. It's a bit like football, or I guess you call it soccer," James says with a terrible American accent, " And you're on a broom. Each team has seven players with individual roles- Chasers, which is what I am, try to score points by getting a Quaffle into goals. There are two Beaters who use bats to hit balls, called Bludgers, which fly around trying to knock players off their brooms. There is one Keeper who guards the goals. But what makes Quidditch so special is the Golden Snitch! It is a small ball worth 150 points that flies around while the Seeker tries to find it. The game ends when the Snitch is caught."

The two demigods look at him incredulously, though Jason could feel his excitement brewing.

James' eyes light up, Y/n swore she could see a lightbulb above his head, "You guys have to try out for the team!"

"Definitely, we need new players since a lot of them graduated last year," Sirius agrees.

Y/n and Jason look at each other, deciding what to do. The girl just shrugs and goes back to her lunch, Jason taking this as a sign to respond.

"Sure, sounds like fun," He smiles, "We could get the others to try it too."

James is ecstatic now, nodding his head aggressively, "Yes, I can show you how to fly after dinner!"

⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄

A group consisting of the Marauders, Y/n, Jason, Percy, Leo, Piper, and Annabeth- who was only there for moral support- stood in an open field along the outskirts of Hogwarts grounds'. Handing a school issued broom to each, James goes over the mechanics of flying. Once everyone understood, they went one by one getting on their broom, giving a firm, "Up!"

Unsurprisingly, Jason flew with ease, already whirling around in the air. Next was Leo, who fell immediately,
"This is so rigged!" he huffs, choosing to go back inside to bother Hazel and Frank.

Piper was a bit wobbly in the beginning, though she got the hang of it with some assistance from James.

Due to his athletic nature and eagerness to try, everyone expected Percy to excel. Zeus had other plans. As soon as the green eyed boy mounted his broom, the perfectly blue sky erupted into thunderous roars, startling the teenagers,

"I guess I should have seen that coming," Percy joked, causing the other demigods to laugh while the Marauders looked at him in confusion, "Zeus doesn't really like children of Posiedon or Hades trespassing on his domain."

The four nodded, Peter looking up worriedly at the sky.

Lastly, it was Y/n's turn. She was reluctant at first, seeing how Percy's go at it went, but was was convinced by James' doe eyed look. She got onto the broom with a sigh, eyeing where her feet touched the ground, "If I fall and break my neck, I'm haunting you all."

With that, she commands the broom upwards so it is floating a few feet above the ground.

"Come on Y/n, it's great up here!" Jason calls from above, Piper flying around next to him.

"This isn't enough for you?!" Y/n replies with a disgruntled groan, looking over to where Percy and Annabeth are standing. They both give her reassuring looks, along with a thumbs up from Percy. Rising up a bit, Y/n takes a deep breath to calm her nerves. Before she could get to far, she dismounts the broom skillfully, handing it back to James,

"Nope, can't do it. Looks fun but I like my feet on the ground."

"It's okay Y/n, flying isn't for everyone." Peter says with a smile, making the girl feel a bit better. James nods in agreement, albeit a bit reluctantly,

"I suppose Pete's right, brave of you to try though. Like any good Gryffindor would!"

While James, Sirius, Peter, Jason, and Piper decide to stay and practice, the rest walk back towards the castle. Noticing how Y/n dragged behind, Remus slowed to match her pace,

"Not a fan of heights?" He asks, wanting to know more about the girl.

She looks at him for a moment, surprised he noticed her slight change in demeanor, "Oh, yeah, something like that."

Sensing her reluctance, Remus nods, "So, your friends call you Moons?"

Content with the change in subject, Y/n replies, "Well, my mom is the goddess of the moon, so Leo thought it was fitting. I guess we have matching nicknames, huh, Moony."

The taller boy grins, looking down sheepishly, "I suppose we do."

The two walk in a comfortable silence, breaking off from the rest to head towards their common room. Letting a soft smile escape her lips, Y/n looked at Remus out of the corner of her eye. It was nice, being able to just walk in silence with someone. Usually there was someone talking her ear off back at camp. There was a grounding air that surrounded the taller boy, making Y/n feel oddly at ease.

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