Chapter 2

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The day of the trip

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I set it off and I got ready for the trip. Can't say I'm excited. It's gonna be like every other trip anyway. Not like anything is gonna happen.


I wore the clothes I bought yesterday from the mall, brushed my teeth, and I was ready to go. When I went downstairs my mom told me to have breakfast but I wasn't in the mood to eat so I put on my shoes, and went to school.

When I arrived to school, the first think I see is an excited (f/n). She came running to me and she asked how I was and stuff like that.

"How are you not excited for the trip?! Almost everyone is!" She asked me. "Something just feels off about the trip..." I replied. She looked at me confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked out of curiosity. "Forget it" I said. There was a awkward silence between us until the bell rang.

We got onto the bus and (f/n) insisted that we sit together. I simply agreed. She told me how a kid from our class likes me and stuff like that. I never had the thought of being in a relationship. I didn't even know he existed until now.

As we were halfway through the trip, I got bored so I decided to take a small nap.




Loud talking woke me up from my dreamless nap. The first thing I see is a (f/n) talking to the dude that was supposed to have a crush on me. I hope she doesn't do something stupid...

I took out my phone and scrolled through social media and checked if I have any messages. I looked out the window and realized that it was getting dark so I checked my phone and it was almost 7pm... How long are we going to be in this bus for?!

(F/n) finally realized I was awake. She looked embarrassed for not realizing it sooner.

After a while, a view of odd world could be seen. I got excited because I could finally get out of this shitty bus. After turning right, the bus crashed into something, and the last thing I see is someone being dragged...What did I get myself into?!

I woke up by (f/n) shaking the heck out of me. "(Y/n) (y/n), wake up!" She said worried.
I was confused about where I was, but then memories came flushing back.

We've been kidnapped...

How the hell did this even happen?

After a while someone speaking could be heard. It was coming from the other way of the room so I looked and the noise was coming from a speaker.

"Welcome..I need your help" said whoever was behind the speaker

Then a noise of something falling could be heard.

"My blocks fell over" they said.

Please, don't tell me what I think you're going to say... I prayed

"All you have to do is find them and put them back" "Good luck"

"Why can't you so it yourself? Are you too bored to do it and we have to do it for you or something? Go do it yourself you piece of shit" I said not regretting a thing. Then there was silence. Was he too scared to reply? Probably not.

I found a box next to me which I ignored. Everyone thought it was something important so they took it with them. What would you need a box for?

I went looking for blocks when I found one. As I took it I heard strange sounds coming from the room next to me. I got curious so I went to check what was in there.

As I opened the door I saw...

A BLUE THING?! What the actual fu-k is going on in here?! First, I get kidnapped, and now this?!

It saw me and started chasing me like I was some kind of rat or something. I started running and I was trying to think of something so I can fool this creature.

Wait a minute... Why don't I just fight back?

I went and kicked the blue think with the crown in the stomach and I made sure that he regrets trying to fricking kill me. I think I may have hit it too hard because it kinda fainted- I swear it was not me.

I quietly sneaked away and went to find more blocks. Why do I need to find blocks again? Whatever.

After putting the blocks I found on the theater, I was too bored to search for more so I went somewhere to chill. The others can do it.

After my classmates found the blocks, then we went to the same room that we were before.

(F/n) came to me crying thinking that I died. I told her how I dropkicked the blue thing but she didn't seem to believe me. Instead she just laughed... Why does no one believe me

The speaker started speaking and said

"Thanks, hopefully blue didn't get too many of you"

So it has a name?

"Get some rest. You will need it for tomorrow"

Oh so, first you kidnap us, and now you care about us? Man what the hell is wrong with you?!

In the corner of my eye, I saw a green thing. 'I hope this is just my fantasy...' i thought

Then I tried to get some rest.

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