✎ Ver Vermillion (⚉)

691 14 7

"Locked In" (☁️)
second pov☽ ☾high school au

(A/n): (Y/n)'s power is basically shapeshifting into anything.

"(Y/n)." Your eyes perked up when your president called you.

"Yes, kaichou?" You asked.

Ver had a bit of blush on his cheeks as you stood in front of him with a bold aura, he felt like he was standing in front a dog wagging its tail, to be honest.

He chuckled and proceeded to give you your paperwork. You were the secretary of XSOLEIL Institue of Infinity and unfortunately the vice president, Kotoka Torahime called in sick which meant you were needed to take over her duty for the meantime.

You felt like you were gonna collapse the moment you saw the stacks of paper.

"Is this really Kotoka's paperwork, kaichou?" You turned to him stiffly.

"I'm afraid so, (Y/n)..." You felt your soul leaving you.

"Don't worry, I'll be staying with you. I also have a lot of paperworks to do." He said pointing at his desk that tons of paper.

His work was twice as much as yours, and you felt kinda bad for him.

"Ever since Zaion transferred to another school, I had to do lots of work...seeing as how our members use their expenses." He explained with tired look.

"Fight on, kaichou!" You said trying to encourage him, well it did kinda worked as he turned flustered from your encouragement.

"Mhm." He nodded with a smile.

And with that you and Ver started doing your work.

You were almost done with yours but Ver still had one more stack of paperwork.

'I should buy some coffee for me and kaichou.' You smiled at the thought.

You stood up from your desk and proceeded to the door, you tried to turn the door knob but for some reason it won't turn.

You sweat-drop from this. You tried shaking the door knob but it won't budge.

You started panicking.

'Did someone lock the door from outside?' You thought.

"Kaichou?" You called out.

He looked up from his papers and stared at you "What's wrong, (Y/n)?" He asked.

"The door...won't budge..."

"What do you mean it won't budge?" He asked, walking up to you and tried opening the door.

"And it won't budge..." He muttered.

"That's what I said, kaichou." You sulked.

"Sorry sorry, um." He stopped to think.

"Do you know who locked it?" He asked.

"Kaichou, I've been here with you for the past two hours.."

Suddenly thunder struck.

"Eekk!" You screeched, subconsciously turning into a cat.


"Kaichou! Don't laugh at me!" You wailed, trying to convert back into a human

Suddenly the lights went out.

"Shit." Ver cursed under his breath

"(Y/n)? Where are you?" He called out, taking out his phone's flashlight.

You were on the floor curled up and shaking.

"(Y/n)?" Ver called out, concerned.

'Is she afraid of the dark?'

"Hey..it's ok, here I have a flashlight." He said slowly walking up to you.

From reflex, you hugged him and hid your head into the crook of his neck.

Ver turned red from the sudden action.

"It's ok, I'm here." He said trying to comfort you, softly patting your back.

You both stayed in that position. Ver was sitting on the floor while you were on his lap hugging him.

You fell asleep with Ver playing with your hair.

The blackout wasn't gone and it's been an hour.

Fortunately the power went back on, but the only problem left was "How are we gonna get out?" Ver asked himself, still playing with your hair.

Suddenly the door opened with Doppio there "I'm sorry kaichou! I forgot you and (Y/n) were still in her-"

He stopped his sentence when he saw you and Ver's position.

Ver glared at him.

"I'm sorry for locking the door." He apologised kneeling on the floor.

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