✎ Kotoka Torahime (☯︎)

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"Innuendos" (☁️)
third pov


Another day they say and another attempt for Kotoka to flirt with (Y/n) in the student council room.

"(Y/n)." Kotoka called out.

(Y/n) turned their head towards to Kotoka "What's wrong?"

"They say our bodies are seventy percent water...and I'm kinda thirsty." Kotoka told them.

"Um, then get some water? The water dispenser is right there." They pointed, going back to their sketch they were doing not so long ago.

Kotoka sulked when she realised they didn't get it.

She decided to try again "Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?"

(Y/n) furrowed their eyebrows, still not getting the innuendo.

"Kotoka, I don't know how to break it down to you but it's literally snowing..."

'How dense can this person be?!' Kotoka thought.

Soon, Meloco and Hex came inside the room, probably carrying some paperwork. Meloco was drinking some strawberry milk she got from the vending machine.

"Roses are red, violets are fine, you'll be the six, I'll be the nine." Kotoka stated, Meloco spitted her drink out and stared at Kotoka in terror.

"I'll be the what? Kotoka, are you sure you're alright? We can tell Ver-nii to give you a day off." (Y/n) didn't understand the jokes Kotoka keeps telling them.

Hex just chuckles at these failed attempts. Peacefully fixing the papers.

"Kotoka, noooo-" Meloco whispered.

"(Y/n), can I borrow a kiss? I promised I'll give it back."

"Sorry Kotoka, I don't have chocolate kisses right now." (Y/n) stated.

"Sorry Kotoka, could you kindly repeat what you said?" Ver asked with a smile, a ticked mark was on his forehead.

"Oh, kaichou! You were there?-" Kotoka looked at him in disbelief  'Shit.'

"Ver-nii, give Kotoka a day off, she's been telling me random things I don't understand." (Y/n) said sipping on her milk given by Meloco.

Everyone in the room was dead-panning at their density.

(A/n): Fun fact, I got these pick up lines from Google-

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