Would you? - K.V

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They ask, 'Why won't you tell me what's wrong?'
for if I unveil the depths of my heart's song.
Revealing the scars etched on my fragile soul
Would you stand by me, make me feel whole?

If I were to share the chapters of my past
the battles fought, the shadows that cast.
Would you hold my hand in the darkest night
or retreat from the truth, consumed by fright?

If I were to speak of my self harming days
when pain became my twisted maze.
Would you offer solace, a gentle touch
or turn away, burdened by too much?

In the midst of anxiety's relentless grip
when the world around me starts to slip.
Would you be my anchor, my steady guide
or would you flee, my fears cast aside?

When panic attacks seize my trembling frame
Would you hold me close, whispering my name?
Or would you recoil from the trembling storm
unwilling to weather its chaos and form?

When my soul collapses and breakdowns ensue
shattering the fragments of what I once knew.
Would you gather the pieces with compassion's art
or abandon the puzzle, leaving it torn apart?

In the abyss of depression's haunting embrace
where darkness lurks, veilling my inner space.
Would you be my light, my beacon of hope
or slip away, unable to bear the scope?

If I dared confide my thoughts of despair
the whispered echoes of a soul laid bare.
Would you listen with empathy, hear my cries
or retreat from the pain that clouded my skies?

When my attempts at escape have all failed
and the weight of existence leaves me impaled.
Would you offer a lifeline, a chance to believe
or silently watch as I try to retrieve?

In moments of anger, when fury takes hold
and emotions erupt, too fierce to be controlled.
Would you stand firm, withstand the fiery tide
or flee from the tempest, seeking a place to hide?

When trusts becomes fragile, a delicate thread
wounded by betrayals, hanging by a thread.
Would you mend the bonds, with patience and care
or sever the ties, declaring them beyond repair?

Amidst isolation's grip, a world of my own
a realm of solitude, where I'm left alone.
Would you venture into my solitary domain
or fear the silence, the echoes of pain?

In the realm of attachments, where wounds reside
where broken connections cannot be denied.
Would you forge new bridges, find strength to restore
or retreat from the challenge, forever close the door?

Within the realm of family, tangled and torn
where scars run deep and love is reborn.
Would you walk beside me through this dance
or shy away, avoiding complexity, perchance?

In the labyrinth of overthinking's domain
where doubts and questions eternally reign.
Would you help me navigate the maze
or flee from the labyrinth, lost in its haze?

When jealousy festers, a poison within
constricting my heart, breeding discord and sin.
Would you offer reassurance, love unfeigned
or be consumed by envy, forever strained?

In the depths of my insecurities' hold
where confidence wanes, a story untold.
Would you help me embrace my own light
or turn a blind eye, believing I'm not worth the fight?

And when silence engulfs, a barricade of fears
when words elude me, leaving unspoken tears.
Would you stay by my side, in the face of the storm
or retreat from the battle, leaving me forlorn?

These questions I ponder, with hopes that you'll see
the essence of who I am, the shattered pieces that be.
For if I were to bare my soul, raw and true
would you stay, and prove that you do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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