chapter 29

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last night was a horrendous was the first time in a while ive had a mental breakdown infront of hardin.but i really hope that showed him how much i need him and how much we need eachover.i want to help him when he feels down.
i wake up and hardin is not by my side like he was last sleepy puffy eyes look around the room to see if i can see him but i cant.i sit up and rub my eyes and i begin to feel icky for the first time in a week or so.i know exactly whats coming.

and it happends morning sickness.i get up and run to the bathroom.i hold my hair up as i have no clue where hardin is.and then a feel a pair of hands take my hands off my hair and put there hands on it.they begin to rub my back too.its hardin obviously.and i still feel angry at him.i was quite sensitive and vunrible last night so i think i was abit to forgiving too quickly.
i wipe my face with tissue and turn around to him.i just look at him and walk past him without saying or doing anything.
"so stubborn tessa is back"he says and i dont reply.
i go to the bedroom and make the bed.i go on my phone and look at my calendar.
"oh shit"i say outloud.seeing my 8 month baby scan is in 15 minutes and i still hafto get ready and shit.

"whats up"hardin says leaning on the door and i get up.and start to pull out clothes out of my  wardrobe.
"the scan is in 15 minutes.and i am not even changed done my hair or makeup."i pull out a random pair of strechy leggings and a t shirt.i sit on the bed and look in a mirror."my eyes are puffy and have dark circles"
"go out natural.i think you look stunning right now"he says and i death sare him knowing he is lying because it literally like i have 2 black eyes."okok"he says putting his hands up and i roll my eyes.
im too tired,still,to even put on more makeup other than not bothering with mascara,that allways ends badly.i feel like it will today anyways.
"ill be in the car"he says taking a deep breath
"ok"i reply putting lots of concealer  under my eyes

i finnish and leave with a loose bun in my hair.i get in the passenger seat next to hardin.
he drives and doesnt say anything which is good because im mad at him but im also craving for him to hug me and say sorry.just like he did last night.its a weakness.
"traffic howfuckingfantastic"he says to himself outloud and i let out a smile.
i hate being mad at him.but its needed because he has been upsetting me for weeks and yesterday it all just came out.

we arrive and its 35 minutes past.out appointment was supposed to be at 30 minutes past.5 minutes late cant be so bad?i mean they mostly call you in late anyways.i belive my alarm did not go off when i set one.and then i ask myself.did hardin turn it off?
"did you turn my alarm off"i ask while we walk down from were our car is parked down to the docters.
he pulls that one face when he is about to admit somthing"well yeah you where tired and in a really deep werent even waking up to it.i didn't want to wake you because you looked so peaceful"he says and i dont get mad i just look at him and smile and grab his hand.i want to look back at this memory and see it as happy.not me angry after last nights show.

we sit for abit wondering if my name has already been called.but it hadn' name got called and we go to the room.the docter chats to me and then i lay on the bed and my back feels relief as its achey.
i roll my top up and she does what she using does with that cold gel that makes me jump every time.then i feel hardins hand hold mine.i could never be angry with those green eyes stareing into mine.i smile at him and then  the screen that will be showing our babygirl flickers on and we both look.
"healthy girl as per usual"the docter chirps"but babygirl seems like a big baby.may or may not be differcult during birth"she says
"i felt like she was a big one because of how achey ive been.and my appetite went up rapidly"i say"but im hoping there is no differculties"i say and hardin nods alot he looks serious.

"she is going to be beautiful"i whisper to him as the docter goes to print our photos.
"she is just like you"he says softly with a cute smile.he moves my hair as he kisses my still lay down as the docter instructed me to stay lay down till she gets some paper towls for my stomach.
"i want to kiss you everywhere and tell you have sorry i am after last night"he says kissing my hand.
"i would love that but she could come in any it for later."i say he smirks
"i cause you and her stress and pain. and i just dont understand why your still love me every day"he frowns and puts his hands through his hair.
"you dont need to just need to understand that i truly love you and i never want to be parted from you"i say quoting a little bit of our quote and he smiles
the docter comes back in the room and cleans the stomach off my stomach and giving us the photos of our girl

"shes so big"i chirp and hardin nods"i cant wait to meet her"i say as we get in the car
"i love seeing you happy thereasa"he says.
"it makes me happy seeing you smiling at me"i say and i go to peck his lips but it actually turns into a makeout session

rough patch  hardin and tessa Where stories live. Discover now