chapter 38

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last night ended with a very giggly and tipsy tessa trying to unbutton my shirt.But now i lay next to her.shes in a deepsleep,she looks so peaceful.
my mum says em is being good.i miss her and so does tessa.
"god my head is banging"tessa yawns.
"i think thats what happends when u nearly drunk a whoke bottle of champagne"i chuckle stroking her head.
"ay it wasn't only me you had some too"she argues with a laugh. obviously not remembering that i didn't ive been sober for a while
"most of last night was a blur but i remember the most memorable part"she says"i just wanted to thank you...for everything"

"well i think i should be thanking you"i say.
"you did last night and you allways do."she says.
"i love you....future mrs scott"i say.
"i love you mr scott....i dont know were i would be without you."she says
"in a park reading pride and prejudice for the sixth thousandth time with your long skirts."i say
"yout going to forever bring up those skirts"she says rolling her eyes.
"because they were horrendous. But you still caught my eyes"i shrug.
"you couldn't leave me alone"she teases.
"well you couldn't leave me alone either" i say knowing it was me begging for her forgiveness whenever shit happened.
"well we have a whole six days to ourselfs"i say and she climbs on top of me hinting somthing which i know.
"are you sure tess cause i don't want to hurt you if your not fully better"i say.
"im fine. i have been for a week or 2 i just didn't feel like it"she says stroking my hair and kissing my forehead.

"well you said so"i say takeing my jumper on joggers off that she slept in last night. ive never seen a women with the most perfection of body. especially after the pregnancy tessa had. Tessa sometimes gets self conscious when her strechmarks are shown. There normal on all women and its normal for womeb to get insecure about them. But i allways trace my fingers over her stomach and tell her that there beautiful. There from our baby. whom tessa and i miss very much right now.
her soft plump lips crash into mine. after that i whisper in her ear as i give her love bites."are you okay"i ask as she seems louder than usual.i dont know if thats normal.
"im good"she smiles"im good".
this is somthing we have both wanted for a month. as we finnish up i relized i didn't use a condom. i will tell her in a bit for us to get some plan b.
we lay there breathing loudly and we are both tired. i cuddle with her for abit.

"i need to tell you somthing"he says.
"hm"i answer. my back is killing.
"i forgot to use a condom"he says and i sit up quickly and look at him.
"are you serious"i ask and he nods.
"i can go get some plan b if you want" he says getting changed.
"you dont even know you way around here"i say and he shrugs.
"worth a try. no way can we have another one right know you've barely recovered from emery"he says walking out the bedroom. im mad and he knows. i mean i have a reason to be mad some plan bs dont work and he should of known. can we go a day without having some kind of anger tords eachover. i really hope we can cause we just got engaged and we dont want to do that.
i lay back down in my bed stareing and messing with my beautiful ring.ive allways wanted to get married ever since i was little i used to plan what my wedding would be like. it feels so unreal that its actually going to happen. im not sure when but it will happen.

i miss emery. i wonder how shes doing with trish. i want to talk to landon and kim too. everything has been so busy lately ive barely spoken to them.
i call landon for abit and he tells me about this women he met at work who he thinks may like him and he may like her.i really hope so cause he has just been so down after nora.
after the call i begun to wonder were hardin been over an  hour so i shove a pair of clothes and hat on,go outside and ring him. he answers after 1 call.
"where are you"i ask.
"there out" he sighs.
"out of plan b?"
"fuck...yes"he answers"they apparently have new stock tomorrow"
"thats just great"i say sarcasticly"its fine i have 3 days"
"im sorry"he says as i see him walking tords me from afar.
"its fine. its okay. lets not stress or argue. its the last thing I want "
i hang up the phone and i give him a small smile.

"so what shall we do"i ask changing the subject.
"whatever you want to do"he says.
"i think we should go to the christmas market" i say grabbing his big cold hands and he nods
"if your going to be in a bad mood cause you made a mistake that im no longer mad at then im going bymyself".
"i just dont want anything happening right now that you won't want. the Internet is never right about how long it takes for whatver to happen"he says.
"i know. A risk is a risk. we do it we deal with it. ill take a test tomorrow before i take the plan b incase. if i am i have no clue what to do. because ive only just had emery. but we will figure it out together like was my fault too. so dont worry. now can we stop stressing. this is supposed to be a no stress week. "i explain
"im sorry" he says walking up to me and grabbing my hand.

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