"You can't choose your family."
Willa Routh never knew her father. Her mother rarely talked about him, and when Willa went asking questions, she got shut down. She never even got a name...
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Beer is so disgusting, but for this mood I'm in, it's acceptable. I don't think the Winchesters will mind if I find something to numb myself. I'm refusing to acknowledge their new titles, for now. This isn't something you just accept right away.
This is freaking life-changing.
Despite hearing it with my own ears, Cas has to be wrong. There's no way that after all this time, I just happen to run into my dad. My dad who I know nothing about. My dad who, despite being human, passed on powers to me. Yeah, I still can't figure that one out.
I was very careful in snagging a beer and sneaking out of the bunker. I didn't venture very far. The setting is very fitting—a night sky full of dim stars and a bright spotlight.
I need to slip back in at some point, I'm not sleeping outside. But I don't want to run the risk of going back and encountering any of the trio. The bomb-drop had put quite the awkward blanket over the bunker. I'm not sure if there's a way to remove it just yet. It didn't help when we all went our separate ways without further discussing the new revelation.
I take another sip of beer. At this point the taste is tolerable, though I don't understand how people can drink it. It's not the best of flavors. Then again, this is my first beer ever—Mom isn't a drinker. I haven't gone to any parties were underage minors have snuck alcohol.
"Is it safe to assume that you're not a flight risk?"
I remain silent, taking another sip, as Cas comes to join me.
"You're not old enough to have that."
"It's been rough lately, Cas," I growl. "There are worse things that I could be doing right now."
He sighs. "You shouldn't be out here by yourself."
"Finn is gone, you sent him back to Hell. No other demons were that determined, because I haven't seen any." I shiver as the winds pick up. "I'll come back on my own terms. They clearly need their space, and I need mine. So, please, don't play messenger or meditator."
"I'm not. I'm concerned about you. About all of you."
"Did that change because you know I'm...?"
"Finding out your lineage has not changed my view of you, Willa. But...it does make me look at some things differently. You come back inside when you're ready. But, you know, that elephant won't go away."
I exhale. "I know. I'm not ready to face it yet. If they were, we'd have this discussion. But since we're not, they're not ready either."
"Well, with your parentage question answered, it provides us a little more insight as to why demons would want to recruit you."