Chapter 1: Sophie

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I lay in bed after an exausting graduation, taking off the deep purple dress I wore to the graduation. Lying in bed with nothing on but a lacy black bra and thong, I snuggled under my blankets and thought over the whole thing.

Foxfire, covered in ribbons and streamers. Me in my dress on stage. Three boys commented that I looked good in my dress.

I frowned. Three boys. That's Fitz, Dex, and Keefe.

Fitz, who I had a crush on since I started Foxfire.

Dex, who is partly my cousin and my best friend.

And Keefe. Mischievous, troublemaker, and charming-est boy I've ever know.

I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I yelled. Hopefully it's not anyone serious.

"Um, it's Biana." I heard my friend's voice call out.

"Oh! Come on in." I sat up in my bed and covered myself with a blanket since I basically had nothing on.

Biana came in my room. She wore her Foxfire uniform.

"We graduated." I lamely stated as she sat at the edge of my bed.

"I know. I just wanted to wear it since I'll probably never wear it again." She looked at me huddled in my blanket and sighed. "You don't have anything on, do you?"

"Yeah..." I squirmed.

"Better put something on." She laughed. "Be glad that I told my brother to wait downstairs."

"I am now." I blushed at the thought. Biana quickly passed me my uniform and I put it on just as quick.

We walked downstairs and greeted my mom and dad. "I still can't believe you are an adult now!" Grady exclaimed. He hugged me and Edaline kissed my cheek.

"Oh!" Biana addressed my parents. "My dad was hoping Sophie can join me, Fitz, and Keefe on a camping trip tomorrow to celebrate the beginning of adulthood or something." She stood awkwardly beside Fitz, who was also wearing his uniform, though hr graduated last year with Keefe. I could barely tear my eyes away from him. He flashed me a smile that made my cheeks burn.

"That would be great!" Edaline chuckled at my uncertain eyes. "Don't be like that. I'll pack everything. Just go and have fun."

I wasn't nervous because I thought it wasn't going to be fun. I was nervous because: there was Fitz and Keefe going, I never thought elves go camping, and Biana and Fitz looked more nervous than me.

After Grady and Edaline rushed to NY room to help me pack up, I asked them, "Why are you guys nervous?"

Fitz shuffled uncomfortably. "A few years ago, the Counsel found a tent lying outside the gate. They couldn't use it, so they gave it to my dad."

"Our dad was so interested he took the whole family out camping, but we couldn't figure out how to cook food and other stuff like it said in the book that was in the tent bag." Biana added.

"So my dad was interested and asked the Counsel if he could explore the art of camping for a bit. And the Counsel agreed to let us use fire and stuff for one day only."

"My dad thought you would know how it works." Biana finished.

"That's sounds... weird." I laughed.

"Do you happen to know about camping?" Fitz asked cautiously.

"Yes, I do. Let's go have fun!" I cheered and my friends cheered with me.

"Oh, also, my parents aren't going." Biana rolled her eyes.

"What?!" I said, confused.

"He said he had stuff to do."


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