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I quickly climbed down the ladder of the rv and ran with my dad to chase after Sophia. Shane grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. "You're staying here," Shane huffed. " No! Let me go so I can get her. " I struggled against his grip. " I ain't losing you," He mumbled. " Dude, let her go," Glenn spoke up for me. Shane turned to Glenn with a glare, losing his grip on my arm.

" We'll wait till your dad comes back with Sophia," Daryl said to the group. " Glenn, finish fixing the rv. Everyone else pack up what supplies you can find." I walked away from Shane in a huff, walking further away from everyone so I could be by myself. " Hey, wait up!" Glenn yelled after me.

I stopped and sighed as I turned to him, " Can we talk seriously for a second?" He asked, and I nodded. Glenn walked me a little further away so we could talk privately, we looked around to make sure no one was near us before he spoke. " I'm worried about you, Amber. Shane is giving me a bad feeling." "What you mean a bad feeling?" I asked. " Just, how he is with you. He never leaves you alone. It's like he's obsessed with you." " He's my dad's oldest friend. He used to change my diapers when I was a baby. He's just overprotective."

" I heard when he said when he stopped you running off with Rick, he said he wasn't losing you. I'm worried you're in danger Amber, has he done anything to you?" Glenn asked, a genuine concerned look on his face. My head thought about what happened in the shower, and all the times Shane would fuck me even if I wasn't in the mood but I gave Glenn a smile. " Im okay, Glenn, I promise. Shane hasn't touched me. " " Are you sure? If you need a new place to stay, then you're welcome in my bed. " He smiled.

"Wait! That's not when I meant. I mean, if you don't wanna share a room or tent with Shane anyway, then -" " Then what?" Shane asked, coming from behind a car. " Jesus, were you spying on us?" Glenn asked, " No, I wanted to see why you were yelling after a hoard of walkers just came through, " Shane glared at Glenn. " So, what was it you were saying?" ," Shane," I warned him, not wanting this to turn into something it shouldn't.

" It's alright Amber, continue what you were saying." Shane stood still,  waiting for Glenn to finish. I sighed. " Glenn, go back to helping Dale fix the rv." Glenn nodded his head and walked off. Once Glenn was out of ear shot, Shane suddenly grabbed the side of  my neck. " What was that?" He asked. " We were talking, Shane." " That's what you wanna call it, huh? Sounds to me like he was asking you to crawl into his bed."

" He wasn't asking that, Shane. " Were you going to accept his invitation?", " Shane, stop please," I begged. " I was trying to convince him you weren't putting me in danger. Shane gave me a confused look " Glenn thinks you're hurting me and asked if I wanted to stay with him instead, I was trying to tell him you weren't hurting me and he didn't have to worry then you came over and pulled this crap and now he probably thinks you are hurting me."

" I'd never hurt you, Amber. I love you. You know that, don't you?" I nodded my head." I know you do, Shane, I know. " I gave him a small smile. " I've loved you since I fucked you in LA" " Shane we should go back before people get suspicious" He nodded his head " You're right."

A few minutes later dad came running up the hill and looked around, " Where's Sophia?" He asked confused, " She isn't back yet, we thought you were going after her?" I asked confused. " I found her, and I hid her while I lured the walkers away. I told her how to get back here. She should have been back by now." ," Oh god," Carol cried, my mom comforting her.

Dad took a few of the guys and went back into the woods to look for Sophia. While the rest of us stated put, since Glenn was gone, I offered Dale to help him with the rv, which he gladly accepted. I listened carefully to Dale as he told me step by step what to do. " So Amber, I've been meaning talk to you about something.", " Sure, what's up?" I asked, taking a screwdriver and tightening one of the screws.

Amber GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now