How Mushu became The Phantom Lantern.

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While in New York City, Mushu hired a job as the New York News Network for money and rented an apartment.

While Mushu was relaxing in his apartment, a blinding light appeared in front of him. Mushu was forced to shield his eyes until the light died down. He saw two different lights looking at him and immediately he was unsure of what to do.

One was a being completely white with wings called The Great Life Entity, the Entity of Life, the source of power for The White Lantern Corps.

One was a being completely white with wings called The Great Life Entity, the Entity of Life, the source of power for The White Lantern Corps

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The other was a black being with a scythe in his hand named Nekron, the Entity of Death, the source of power for The Black Lantern Corps.

The other was a black being with a scythe in his hand named Nekron, the Entity of Death, the source of power for The Black Lantern Corps

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The Great Life Entity spoke to him first with a soothing voice.

Great Life Entity: Mushu of Earth. We are the Emotional Embodiments. We sensed the mixed emotions you have inside of your body. Your emotions are somehow in perfect balance. We have not seen this balance since we first came to be 27 billion years ago. For this, we wish to make you the first Phantom Lantern.

Mushu took a moment to think about it.

Mushu: What would required of me? Wouldn't there be a risk of the power going out of control?

The Great Life Entity shook its head.

Great Life Entity: No, as the Phantom Lantern, they do not need to worry about their power being out of control. They are unique in the cosmos. As they have tethers to us, the Emotional Embodiments themselves. I am The Great Life Entity, keeper of The White Lantern Power Battery and embodiment of Life. My power helped from the others. Let Life be the beginning of a new era.

Nekron spoke finally with a rough and grating voice, with a few snarls and growls between each word.

Nekron: I am Nekron, the embodiment of Death. I am keeper of the Black Lantern Power Battery. Unlike the others, The Black Lantern Corps recruits any and all dead beings regardless of their powers. However, having witnessed so much death at once, you are worthy of wielding a Black Lantern Ring despite you not being dead. Let Death be the endgame of your victory.

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