The dark side of the moon

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“Well done guys! The last ones now! Come on give me a huge smile!” The photographer smiles and snaps some photos for our new CD-cover. I place myself in the middle and Lou immediately lays his arm around my shoulders. Our eyes meet and he smiles at me and before I manage to look back into the camera I can feel my eyes getting numb. God, she just took a photo. I sigh quietly. The Larry Stylinson fans will be happy for this.

About five minutes later we’re all done and we’re free for the rest of the day. Finally, I honestly can’t wait to get home again. The last couple of days have been like living the same nightmare over and over again.  I feel trapped without knowing the way how to get out again.

I walk over to the wardrobe, pull my clothes off and throw them over at the sofa. Then I pick up my own clothes and quickly I put them on before the other guys come in. When they come in, lightly chatting and joking, I’m already dressed ready to get in the car and turn my nose home to the flat Lou and I are sharing. “Wow, I didn’t know you were so fast ..” Louis’ surprised expression’s filling his whole face. I easily shake my shoulders and grin at him. He immediately returns the gesture and he speeds up.

Ten minutes later we’re all in my Range Rover driving home. Niall’s pouting about his hunger again and it is quite obvious Liam’s irritated and confused. “Ah, just stop at Nando’s and give the poor guy something to eat, okay?” Zayn sighs and drags a hand through his almost too perfect quiff. I send him a glance and then stopping outside this restaurant Niall’s way too interested in. “What do you guys want to eat?” Liam asks before getting out of the car. “I’ll have the chicken,” Zayn answers. “Hm .. surprise me,” Lou says and it’s not hard telling that Liam gets even more confused about this. “Oh come on Lou just say what you want. It’s not that hard is it?” “Fine I’ll get the chicken too,” he finally answers. “What about you Harry?” Liam’s eyes are focused on me. I bite my lower lip and think. “Nah, I’m not hungry,” I mumble at last. “Not hungry? You haven’t been eating since early this morning! Are you feeling sick Harry?” Lou asks laying his hand over my forehead, checking if I’ve got a fever. “Nah, I’m fine,” I mumble and turn away from him. He looks at me with a worried glance. “If there’s one thing I can tell right now it’s that you’re not feeling well. And don’t try to deny it. Come on let’s switch places,” he says and pulls off my seat belt before getting out of the car. He walks over to the opposite side where I’m seated and he opens my door. “Come on, don’t be so childish ..” he mumbles and begins to drag me out of my own car. First when I’m out I begin to use my own muscles to get myself in on the other side. “Uhm, guys, I don’t think it’s a good idea letting Louis drive,” Zayns insecure voice says from the backseat. “Oh, no worries, I’m not going to crash ..” he begins, but Zayn interrupts him. “You obviously don’t remember what happened last time. Your attention flew right over to that flick you know?” he says questioningly and Lou’s cheeks suddenly turn slight red. “Fine, Liam can drive,” he says and gets out of the driver’s seat.  I try to hide the little chuckle growing on my lips looking at his sad expression climbing into the backseat taking the place between Zayn.



I throw my luggage in the hallway and take my sunglasses off. Suddenly I can hear footsteps rushing towards me and in less than ten seconds I’m locked into a huge huge bearhug from my older brother, little sister, my mom and my dad. “Ah, Valerie, it’s so good to have you back home!” they all say and hug me even tighter. “Okay, stop hugging now! I c-can’t breathe!” I chuckle and they let go off me. “You’ve grown,” Kaleb pecks my shoulder and I make a grimace at him. “Thank you for noticing.” He just laughs and gets over to the luggage, picks it up and carries it over to my room. “You have to tell us everything about your exam and your school year. Oh baby girl, we’ve missed you so much,” my mother says and drags me into another hug. “I’m fine mom, I’m not dead .. yet. But if you don’t let go off me I’ll soon be,” I joke and she lets go. “Sorry, I’m just so happy to see you again.”

We all sit down at the kitchen table and I get a cup of tea in my hands before they begin ask me. “So, how was it? Did you get a lot of friends? Was there any good looking boys there?” I roll my eyes at the last question. “Yeah, he looked just like the boy band you’re so obsessed with,” I joke and send Cindy a glance. She’s so obsessed with this boy band touring all over the world. The band that’s known for their hit single “What Makes You Beautiful”.  That reminds me of the gift I brought to her. “I got you something,” I smile at her and run over to my room grabbing the CD and get out at the kitchen again. “Look what I found,” I sing and give her the CD. Her face immediately brightens up and she looks like she’s just woken up from this perfect dream. “THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!” she shrieks and jumps up and down. I roll my eyes once more and laughs at her funny faces and how she kisses the boys on the cover. “Who is your favorite?” I ask and look at her. “Uhm, I don’t really know. I like him a lot,” she says and pecks at the one with the curls. I smile. I know him. One of my roommates talked about him ALL the time. Harry Edward Styles. “Hm, yeah he’s cute,” I comment and smile at her. 

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