Chapter five

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Hi again! Wow, I received three new followers! Thanks to you guys! Xx If you’ve got any friends keep sharing this to them! Would’ve meant a lot to me! Can I get two votes for next upload? 


I looked at the note for a while before beginning to open it, but his hands were quickly upon mine. “No, not here,” he whispered and looked me in the eyes. “No one needs to know about that,” he kept whispering, I felt his lips barely touching my ear. I turned away and nodded. “I understand,” I answered. To be honest did he look quite surprised about me turning away. I smiled a little, I liked to act mysterious. 

“I hope I’ll get the opportunity to meet you later,” he said and with that gesture he was gone. I stood left just watching his tall figure disappear in that huge crowd in front of me. All I had left of him was the note I still didn’t know what was. But I decided to wait as he had told me to. I easily pushed it into my pocket and I went over to the other girls who were waiting for me. “What took you so long?” Aria asked and smiled at me. I shook my shoulders and tried to act innocent. “Nothing special,” I replied and she sent me an you’re-kidding-with-me-now-glance. I smiled shyly and then dragged them further to the shop were my dream dress were. 

“God, Valerie, that dress is so gorgeous,” Em said and smiled to me. I looked down at myself once more. The dress was really pretty I just wasn’t sure if it was the one I wanted. (I know the dress originally was peach, but I couldn’t find a pretty picture that I wanted to use, so I made the dress blue haha, hope that’s okay with you!)

“That’ll be 300£,” the woman in the shop smiled to me before handing me the bag with the dress in it. I thanked her and I went outside where Aria and Em was waiting for me. “Yay, you bought it!” they both shrieked and began fangirling. I rolled my eyes but couldn’t do anything else than laugh. “Mike is going to freak out when he’ll see you in that dress,” Aria said and smiled. Yeah, one thing I forgot to tell you. I’ve got a boyfriend in London called Mike. We met three years ago, before I went to college, and we fell in love. It’s called love at first sight and that was really it. Mike’s two years older than me, he’s twenty one. When summer is over he’s going to the military in Afghanistan and we’re both excited and nervous. 


I dropped the bag at the floor and jumped over to my bed before picking up my cellphone. The clock was soon turning seven and my tv-show was soon beginning. I turned on the television and sighed. What was I going to do in the meanwhile? Then I suddenly remembered it. The note! I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to get the note. I found it and studied it a while before getting upstairs again. When I was in bed I opened it. It didn’t say something understandable, just a sentence. “I will try to fix you.” I furrowed my eyebrows and didn’t really understand the meaning of the sentence. Why was he going to try to fix me? I didn’t have any problems. 

Louis (yay)

I lied in the sofa at the flat when I heard the door crack before it was opened. In the opening stood a slightly irritated Harry Styles. I watched him while he was getting his way into the kitchen. “How was your day off?” I questioned him without getting any answer. “Did you hear me?” I asked again, sitting up. “It was fine,” he spat back at me. “Wow .. someone’s had a grumpy day,” I mumbled and he turned around to face me with a disgusted look on his face. “Seriously, Haz! What’s going on?” I went over to him but he stopped me before I got over to him. He turned around and I could already smell the alcohol. I got the answer to that question at least. He was planning on getting drunk again. “Why are you wondering? I said it was fine,” he spat again. I rolled my eyes and tried to stay calm, even though I wanted to yell at him. “I’m your best mate, Harry! You know you can tell me anything,” I said opening my arms wide to make him understand. He rolled his eyes before taking the bottle with him over to the sofa. He sank down in the sofa and turned the television on. He mumbled something I didn’t understand and I decided just to leave him alone for a while. He wasn’t worth talking to when he was like this anyway. With heavy steps I got up to my room and lied down at the bed before scrolling through new interactions on twitter. 

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up again it was dull outside. A little sigh was let out of my mouth and I stretched before getting up. Maybe I should go check on Harry? He was probably asleep now. He used to drink until he got sleepy and then he walked over to his bedroom before falling asleep. My eyelids were heavy and almost impossible to keep open while I walked over to Harry’s room. “Harry?” I moaned before lightly knocking the door twice. No answer. “Harry?” I asked again and knocked two more times. Still there was no answer. I rolled my eyes. Was he still mad at me? Why in the h*ll was he mad at me in the beginning? I was just trying to help him. A third time I tried to knock at the door. “HARRY STYLES, you better come out here. We need to talk.” I hadn’t still got any answer on my question from earlier. It was obvious that he had done or experienced because of his acting. The question was just what. He didn’t seem too happy about it, but he hadn’t seemed happy in a couple of months either. 

It came all of a sudden. It was right after one of our concerts in November. Everything was perfect, we sang our hearts out, we had a lot of fun and nothing seemed different. Until we got behind the scene after the concert. We were about to go to the signing we arranged for some lucky fans but Harry just disappeared and didn’t come back. We had to cancel the signing, or, Liam, Niall and Zayn went out to meet them, while I was seeking around on the whole area just to find him. I was looking for hours and hours and finally I found him, hiding in a closet. He was asleep; at least that was what I thought. That was before I found the box with painkillers. He had just taken some of them, luckily, but he was almost impossible to wake up again. When I finally woke him I got him out to the wardrobe and we got him in fresh clothes and brought him home. 

He was sleeping a lot that time. We had to cancel some concerts just because of him. He didn’t want to play and sing. He always blamed that he was feeling sick or that he was too tired. I just went with it even though I knew it was something else bothering him. I went to Simon and talked with him. We came up with an idea that I could spy on him and try to find out what was going on with him. All of his sudden actions I wrote in a notebook and handed to Simon every now and then. As the time went by he just kept on acting stranger and stranger. And here we are today. I found out that he was doing something on the toilet whenever I wasn’t in the near. He could stay there for an hour or so if I didn’t ask him to come out again. He always hide whatever he did, I never found anything. I just wrote in the notebook.

I tried to ask him about Kayla, his old girlfriend, but he never said anything. He just mentioned they’d break up and that he was over her. Kayla was a really nice girl. She understood him and tried everything to help him whenever he was feeling down. She was the perfect girlfriend for him. Even I was jealous at him. 

Still I haven’t found out what’s bothering him, but he never tell me anything anymore. He just drinks something and then he disappears. I haven’t lost hope on finding out what’s bothering him, it quite obvious it’s eating him slowly. He looks so tired and sick. I would just like to know something. At least one name or a happening. Something. Just to know that I could help him. That’s all I want – to help him. But right now it’s quite impossible. I don’t know a thing. And I’, his best mate. He keeps something by himself. I will find out what it is.

When I didn’t get any answer I pushed the door open and saw that the window was open. And there was no Harry in the room. My mouth fell open and I looked over the room to find something who could tell me where he was. But I didn’t find a thing. He had just left without telling me. This was not good. A drunk Harry strolling around in the streets in the evening. I needed to find him. Right now.


A/N: Have you seen Harry? Please help me! If you see him, tell me where he is so I can tell Lou where he is! Two votes for the next upload! We need to find Harry! 

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