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it had been a few years since you had visited callahan auto. maybe an additional upgrade to your car here and there, but that was about it.

yet here you were, sitting outside the office of 'big tom' himself. you had went to high school with the man's son about seven years ago, and now here you were, getting interviewed for a job.

"y/n l/n?!" you heard a voice call, and your head snapped around to see a familiar face.

"tommy callahan." you smiled softly at him, the man envelloping you in a bone-crushing hug.

"hey, y/n, what are you doin' here?! i thought you were a big hotshot journalist now!" tommy cackled, and you sighed.

"well, i've always wanted to be writing reports for callahan auto more," you stated dryly. tommy scoffed, patting you on the back before continuing his questions.

"no, i'm being serious! how've you been?"

"well, tommy, the newspaper outlet in sandusky just couldn't cut it anymore, and they had to let me go. now, instead of reporting on thrilling things like a cat getting stuck in a tree, i'm interviewing here to write reports on gas pedals."

tommy laughed at your monotonous tone. "c'mon, have some enthusiasm! i can ensure you get a job here at my dad's place!" you raised an eyebrow at this, not really wanting to be let in on a nepotism scheme.

you turned your attention back to tommy. "well, what've you been doing back in town? thought you were some rugby star now," you teased. tommy seemed to find this hilarious.

"oh, i just got back from college! a short seven years, huh?" your eyes widened at this, but you tried to hide your surprise.

tommy callahan graduated from college?!

"seven years, huh? were you going to be a neurologist or something?" you replied coolly, knowing the answer.

tommy laughed nasally, "nope, but i got a d+ on my history final! oh, oh, and i passed my english course by remembering what you told me senior year about writing, about like the echoes and the patties and the loggers!" you scoffed.

"ethos, pathos, and logos, tommy."

"whatever!" he exclaimed. you had to admit, you'd missed the class clown of your graduating year. in all honesty, you hadn't thought much of your high school years after you'd graduated. but it felt nice to catch up with an old friend.

the door to big tom's office opened, and he stood in the doorway to find you and tommy talking. "tommy! and... y/n?" he added your name with a tone of confusion. you sighed.

"yes, sir. i'm here for the job interview." big tom tilted his head and made eye contact with tommy.

"well, uh, you're hired."

your eyes nearly popped out of your head at the man's words. "i-i'm what?!"

"i've seen your work ethic ever since you were fourteen! trust me, if i let knuckleheads like ol' tommy boy here run around working at this company, i think i can take a chance on you."

you breathed out in awe, shaking big tom's hand firmly. "thank you, mr. callahan! you've saved me a tremendous amount of time and effort!" you sighed. the man simply laughed.

"please, you're not a little girl anymore! call me tom, really! now, where's richard..."

tommy hugged you tightly again, spinning you around. "YES! WE'RE GONNA BE WORK BUDDIES!" he shouted, probably alerting everybody on the same floor as you. you chuckled, not wanting to cause a scene.

"tommy! get back here, you moron!" you hear a voice ring out from the end of the hallway. tommy drops you immediately, whirling around to face the source of the voice. you straighten out your blazer and brush off your dress pants before stepping away from tommy to look at the source of the voice.

"richard hayden?!" you exclaim, a smile making its way onto your face at the sight of one of the only people in high school you got along with. richard snapped away from lecturing tommy to meet your gaze.

"o-oh! y/n?! what are you doing here?" richard seemed to be caught off guard by your presence, and tommy simply grinned as he threw an arm around you.

"she works here now! with us! isn't it great, it'll be just like high school again!" tommy shouted. you scoffed and shook your head.

"yeah, richard and i being the sensible ones while you just get into trouble," you teased. tommy just laughed at you while richard rolled his eyes, smiling.

"no thanks, i'd rather not relive high school, tommy. now, come on. i need to show you the rest of the building."

tommy waved goodbye to you obnoxiously, with richard also nodding to you as the two boys went on their way. you gave a short wave before turning away.

"she's pretty," you heard tommy 'whisper', albeit much louder than he meant to. you heard richard slap tommy on the arm, shushing him. you laughed to yourself, shaking your head.

this new job would surely be eventful.

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