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I woke up, almost floating with how bright it was around me.

I stood, walking to the bathroom, a hue of white around me, my brown eyes almost glittering, my skin impossibly smooth.

I grabbed my phone, calling Thanatos.


"I think I made it. I think I'm at least more than halfway." I mumbled, touching my skin, looking along my inner thighs, my stretch marks that were once purple ish were now whiter than my skin, my own skin becoming so pale and translucent my veins visible through my hands.


"I'm- my aura is white. It's so bright." I merely squinted with it.

Suddenly the line went dead, his body behind me in a cloud of black smoke, his hand reaching around and grasping my jaw.

I gasped, my body against his, the tunic covering his face and body.

Then I was clouded with black, my light gone.

"You stopped it." I complained.

He touched my face, my arms, his hands looking over my skin and my hands.

He saw the veins, studying them.

"Shouldn't you be gone? I didn't mean to take you from work." I mumbled.

He sighed.

His lips came down onto my bare shoulder, moving the strap of my tank top as he sunk his teeth into my skin.

I gasped, not exactly pain but it was paper thin, my blood black as it ran down my arm.

"Tha-Sir what- what are you doing?" I panicked and he held me still, his arms coming around me.

He stood.

"It's black. Yours isn't." I didn't know what this was.

I'm so fucking confused.

Then he wiped the area, the would healing immediately but the scar was white with a black hue.

"Because I own you, love." He whispered, kissing my cheek before he was gone.

I just stared at my fogged white light that was now slightly gray.

I washed my arm and shoulder, calling Aphrodite.

She came and screamed, forcing Hera, Hades, and Persephone to be here.

"Look at her! She's gorgeous!" Aphrodite jumped, clapping her hands together.

"Looks like Thanatos already got to her." Hades touched over my shoulder.

"It didn't hurt." I mumbled.

"You have a high pain tolerance now. Things will still sting because you are still part human but your primarily immortal. So things that may have hurt won't be so bad." Persephone smiled, leaning onto Hades, his arm around her.

I nodded.

"You know what that means." Aphrodite winked.

"No need to be so explicit in front of our pearl." Hera frowned, coming to me and fixing a few of my curls by coiling them around her finger.

"She's Thanatos wife. There's nothing I say that will ever be as explicit as that man." Aphrodite glared.

"She's right. Thanatos is a nasty fucker. Literally." Hades cackled, Persephone smacking his shoulder.

"Has there been a lot before me?" I asked.

"When he was... younger. He's been around for centuries upon centuries. Zeus, his brothers, including Hades, Thanatos, Hera, and Aphrodite are the eldest of gods. So yes, there was a lot, but he's been abstinent for about 800 years now. So... you're safe because that's over a thousand of your lifetimes nearly. Kidding, more like 31 but same same." Persephone explained.

"Alright." I nodded.

"What? You don't seem happy." Hera frowned.

"My blood is black, my scar is white but with black floating stuff over it. He bit me and left. All he's been doing is death stuff so it's a bit rough right now." I sighed.

"Blood is black because you're a Demi, not only that but you're considered the Goddess of Purity in Death. So I'm the next few years you will begin working with the good souls who have passed on to us. And collecting the souls of still borns and children to help with Thanatos work load and dread. But that'll come with time." Hades said.

I nodded.

"Whatever Thanatos does to you, it will heal but because he did it, it will be a black hue. Whenever he is around your light will brighten or fade depending on his protectiveness. If he wants you to be bright he will. But he might struggle." Persephone nodded.

"So if someone else did it would it turn their color?" I asked.

"No. Just him. You belong to him. Unfortunately that means in your new life he controls a lot. You can go out and about now but he can demand you home and your soul must call to him. If he demands you submit, you have to bend. You have no choice." Aphrodite said.

Half of me was confused but I also wasn't against that.

"He knows these things?" I asked.

"He does. And his workload should begin slowing. After today I'm back up to help him same with Hera but we've been here aiding and looking over you." Hades came to me, kissing my cheek.

"Welcome, Goddess Amara." He smiled, squeezing my hands before leaving.

Persephone came, slightly bowing.

"Welcome home, Goddess." She kissed my hands and left.

"This is your destiny since Hera, Thanatos, and I have laid our eyes on your small body. Welcome, I'm happy you could join us." Aphrodite grinned, kissing my forehead.

"I'm glad you're home, Goddess. You belong here, Thanatos needed you, soon you will see." She was then gone.

I blinked, this feeling very out of body for me.


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