N.E.S.T. Washington DC Headquarters

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(The Autobots follow Optimus inside the Washington DC headquarters, with Optimus first in line, Ironhide behind him, Bee behind Ironhide, Chromia behind Bee, Ratchet behind Chromia, Redwing behind Ratchet, Raven behind Redwing,  River Raider behind Raven, Dino behind River Raider, Sideswipe behind Dino, Jolt behind Sideswipe, Que behind Jolt, Skids behind Que, and Mudflap behind Skids.)

(Once the Autobots enter, the speaker starts playing.)

PA Speaker: "All arriving Autobots, in par, training to make and debriefing in 15 minutes."

(Said the PA Speaker.)

PA Speaker: "Jolt, report to Bay 23."

(He said, as Jolt turned into Bay 23.)

PA Speaker: "Sideswipe, Bay 37 for weapons assessment."

(He announced, making Sideswipe also breakaway from the line and turn into Bay 37.)


(Walking into the D.C. N.E.S.T. base, Director Charlotte Mearning is on the phone talking with the Senator.)

Charlotte: "Senator, I suggest you remember when the NSA want funding, they call me. When the CIA's going to take out a target, they ask first for my permission, and when the president wants to know which members of Congress politically vulnerable in terms of, oh let's say undiscovered criminal conduct, I'm the number he dials."

(She says, hanging up, and handing her phone to her female assistant, who took out some shoes for her to put on, and grabbed her heels.)

News Reporter: "U.S. Agencies say they've been monitoring the blast, but if in fact this was a convert military strike. As well as the Convoy attack in the Dominican Republic. No nation has yet..."

(Lennox walks up to Director Mearning and follows her to where she is walking to.)

Charlotte: "CIA is up my ass about this mystery raid in the Middle East and South America, so it's time to come clean, were of your units involved?"
Lennox: "Uhh, I'm not sure."

(He says as they walked past Bumblebee, who was in a training exercise with two N.E.S.T Soldiers.)

Charlotte: "As Director of National Intelligence, I'm a really big fan of intelligent answers."
Lennox: "I-I can't really tell you definitively. These Autobots are like teenage kids. They like to sneak outta the house, every once in a while."
Redwing: "Well that maybe true..."

(Redwing said sitting near by, in Alt mode, listening to the whole thing go down, and when she was offended, she decided to transform and tell Charlotte the truth.)

Redwing: "But, weren't you the one who sent Sid-"

(Redwing is cut off as Sideswipe covers her mouth and whispers to her.)

Sideswipe: "That is supposed to be a secret, remember?"

(Redwing nods and Sideswipe lets her go, while Lennox's face was already red.)

Charlotte: "What is this Wrecker talking about?"
Lennox: "I don't know. I also forgot to mention that they sometimes make up these fairy tales to try and get me in trouble."

(Charlotte looks at him suspiciously, but ultimately, decides to walk off.)

(He takes a sigh of relief, as he looks at Redwing who puts up two middle fingers at him as he smugly smiles back at her and continues following Charlotte.)

Charlotte: "Colonel Lennox, are you in command or are you not?"
Lennox: "Yes, ma'am, I am-"
Charlotte: "Stop with the "ma'am". Enough with the "ma'am". Do I look like a "ma'am"?"

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