Chapter 1 The strange visitor

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It was a stormy day in the Village of Home a large black cloud billowed in the sky as the residents filed into their homes afraid of getting hit by any droplets of rain.

Except for one person who was well surprisingly Frank Frankly who was too immersed in whatever they were doing in their yard.

Frank was from afar an interesting person they were more mellow and to themselves compared to others who were bright and colorful and full of energy like Julie Joyful for example who always seems to try and get Frank's attention she usually does get them wrapped up in her little shenanigans and is Frank's only friend in Home all because of her extroverted demeanor and is well admittedly annoying a lot of the time...

Frank was tending to their garden as quickly and efficiently as possible to get back inside before the rain hits.

Pore little thing they began to panic their body shivering, sweat pursuing from their forehead, and their heart rate rising from the overbearing storm above them frantically they begin shoving flowers into little tinny holes they dug out creating a mess of dirt on their pants this only made it worse for the panic and anxiety their perfectionist ego was freaking out!

drip... drip... drip drip drip drip drip Drip DRip DRIp DRIP!

The rain started to fall from the sky onto Frank yet they didn't stop what they were doing...

Eddie Dear can be Hurd approaching the sound of panting and the pitter pater of feet running past Frank's yard from getting stuck in the rain delivering mail rushing back to his place to get an umbrella so he can continue his work he stops noticing a familiar figure from the corner of his eye who was Frank Themself he walks backward staring directly at them confused over them frantically moving his hands through the dirt soaking wet.
"You alright Frank?" Eddie says his hands resting on the white-picked fence curiously looking down at Frank, Frank jumped over hearing a voice out of nowhere "Ah!" They look back "E-Eddie!?" Franks's eyes widen now embarrassed that someone noticed them in the rain, Eddie raised an eyebrow "Dooooo you need any help?" Eddie began to get more drenched from the rain as the sound of Thunder can be Hurd from above "I- AH!" Frank panics over the sound of thunder that was right above them "Hey Hey... It's ok it's just thunder it won't hurt you" Eddie says approaching Frank "Not Hurt Me!? I'll have you know Eddie that deaths from a lightning bolt are more common than you think!" Eddie ignored what Frank said as he takes hold of Frank's hand, Eddies big soft hands wrapped around Franks's long skinny fingers, Frank looks down at the two of their hands intertwined with one another, Frank blushed as their heart fluttered "Eddie!?" Frank squeaks out in a flustered tone as Eddie pulls Frank to Franks doorstep opening the door the both of them rush inside "You shouldn't be outside gardening at a time like this ur gonna catch a cold" Eddie says removing his wet hat and placing it on Franks coat hanger as if he lived there! "Eh! Why are you in my house!" Frank screeched angrily at the random man who was in their house, "Oh! O-of course my bad" Eddie shuffles over to the door and exits himself running off Frank was completely bewildered over the whole situation that just happened at least there inside now but... Frank couldn't get the feeling of Eddie's... Big... Warm... Soft hands on there's...


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