Spark 2 🎇

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Some hours go bye Frank starts to settle down and calm themselves and become more accepting of these thoughts but only for themselves and no one else this was Franks dirty little secret~

Some days go by and the usual happens for Franks perfect little routines and life style waking up at 8 am cleaning the house, gardening and exploring the outdoors looking at random bugs and life under rocks and trees trying to entertain themselves and perhaps discover something new. Of course Julie would get in the way of Franks doings wrapping them up in whatever games she has prepared for others in the neighborhood of Home

Today Julie was along side with Frank looking at butterflies and studying them but she wasn't following instead Julie was running around picking Flowers and skipping stones in a nearby river seeing how many skips she could get

"Frank! Frank! I just got 5 skips"!

Julie beemed with pride from the satisfaction of finally getting 5 skips! From constant fails

"Uh huh"... Frank replied not really paying attention to Julie and her achievement taking notes in a notebook they held on themself.
There wasn't anything interesting Frank was Bord and had no motivation to do anything
Not until there luck started to~ show up again~ Franks eyes looked ahead of them across the brush was Eddie Dear!? Franks heart skipped a beat as there head does a full one 80 there face now blushing Feareusly as Julie noticed Franks expression and got excited

"Oh Frank what is it Is it a cute guy"!

She runs over to Frank and looks over the bush

"Eh heh- Why would that be what it is if there was anyone new in this small neighborhood you and I both know that Wally would throw something big for that particular person"

Frank says in a shy flustered studer

"I only see the mail man... *GASP* IS THAT IT IS THAT THE GUY!?"

Julie yels jumping up and down some birds flying away from her loud shouts

"WHaT J-Julie what makes you think that"!?

Frank starts to sweat perfectly from his browline trying *Oh god she know doesn't she god I'm dead meat!*
Frank thinks to themself panicking

"Well you were blushing at something, Come on it had to be Him do you like him Eddie? Eddie Dear the Mail man do ya do ya"!

"I- I"... Frank gets caught of gard *No No! This can't be happening! No one can know*

Julie laughs

"Oh my gosh that's so cute eheh~ don't worry your secret is safe with me!"

"B-But I-"

Frank studers as Julie leaves him there skipping away.

Frank was left there alone now *She knows...* Frank begins to panic *this isn't good! God this is so stupid I'm so stupid* Frank thinks to himself getting up quickly rushing over to his house to get away from everything and be alone.


Frank bumps into something stumbling to the ground pulling whatever that they hit down with them as Frank closes there eyes shut

"Oh I'm so sorry Frank!"

Says a rather familiar voice it was Eddie, Frank slowly opens there eyes Their body now laying on the ground with Eddie's hovering on top Franks eyes go wide as a soft blush appears on there face

"Ahaha have you forgotten to I am?"

Eddie slowly removes his hat revealing his messy Red hair underneath

"It's just me Eddie"

He says with a soft friendly smile down at Frank

"What's the matter ur acting all skidish~"

Frank looks up into Eddie's soft facel expression as he rises up and lends a hand down to Frank, Franks hand shakes as they both grab hands the same sensation went through Franks mind of how soft and firm Eddie's hands, Frank smiles...

"What a beautiful smile you have"

Eddie says complimenting Frank, Frank stands there completely bewildered over this whole situation, Frank stands there completely frozen looking down at there hands still intertwined with one another like last time...

"Do you need anything else~"

Eddie says in a soft soothing voice.
Frank blinks

I- I... Frank stuttered on their words as the heart pounded in their chest.

Franks heart beasts hard to the point you can see there heart moving within there chest

Eddie chuckles

"Ehehe are my good looks mesmerizing you dear"

Eddie Jokingly flirts just trying to get laugh out of something,
though because of Eddie's ignorance he didn't notice how he was really starting to make a Spark on Frank Practically making them Swoon over him making them lose there gard and act all flustered over what Eddie has said.

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