Sparks 🎇

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Frank stood there their back against the wall of the house and their body quivering. "What was that!?" Frank thought to themselves their hand over their mouth thinking about the strange Mail man's gesture what a complete "doof an Idiot! Walking into my home like he owns the place!" *They said as their head began to spin... literally from  the confusion of this whole situation "Ahg!" Frank became dizzy grabbing his head and trying to make it stop spinning by force "Hmmmfh" He grumbles "What, Ever!" He shrieked angrily moving on from this experience with Eddie Dear...

Ohh~ but that feeling of Eddie's hand on Franks never left Franks mind they obsessed over it wanting to feel such a soft sensation again, Franks heart flutters 🦋🍃 sending a wave of pleasure down there spine Frank hated this feeling, for some random mail man who ran into their house... And card for there well being in the rain... Frank was struggling with the crushing feeling of such loathing for their current thoughts.

Frank tryed to get these little sparks out of there mind by distracting themselves with there new gardening book but to no prevail They tryed dusting there house but still the overbearing thoughts just flooded their mind it was getting worse and worse they felt as if they were going crazy walking around there house all flustered trying to stop thinking about Eddie

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