They left the gymnasium a few minutes after the fiasco. [F/N] had an important meeting to go and he didn't want to leave his daughter by herself so they ended up leaving together. They bid Ainosuke goodbye and went home to drop [Y/N].
"You aren't going to see Reki-san today?" Her father asked her.
"I am, I just need to change first. I don't feel like going there dressed up." She replied.
After being dropped home, [Y/N] went to change into something more comfortable. Deciding on a pair of khaki pants with a black and red floral design, a simple white cropped hoodie with a sports bra underneath and some white Air Forces. Since she was home alone, she made herself a snack: a sandwich with ham, tomatoes and hard boiled eggs.
She sat down and began to scroll through her feed. Liking posts from her friends and her favourite artists whilst watching reels. A pass time that she did when she had nothing else to do. After a while, she put off her phone and placed it down on the couch. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and thought of the upcoming match she decided to do.
'Skating against a pro will be hard,' She thought, 'but it would be good experience for me. I mean...what's the worst thing he could make me do if I lose anyway? '
[Y/N] stood up and gathered her things before leaving the house. She walked towards the workshop, listening to some Coldplay as she admired the scenery before. It took her about ten minutes to reach there. By that time, the shop was already closing up for the night but being a regular and a good friend of the owner, she easily entered.
"Oh [Y/N], you're here?" Manager Oka looked pleasantly surprised to see her. It wasn't everyday that the [H/C] haired girl shows up at the shop, and after hours was much more shocking to him.
"Pardon the intrusion." She bowed with a smile.
"No problem, you're always welcome here." He put down the object he had been tinkering with. "I know some don't mind it." At that, a little orange ball of floof came dashing from the back of the store towards her at high speed.
"Hi you little cutie!~" She squealed softly as she rubbed her cheek against it's small face as she could never get enough of Sketchy. "Are Reki and Langa here?" The man nodded and gestured towards the back once again. She thanked him and walked towards them. [Y/N] wasn't exactly shocked when she saw them watching none other than Miya's competitions.