Chapter 8 - Punishment

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"Both of you get to my office now!" Larissa yelled at me and my friend Wednesday. We'd been caught doing a summoning ritual for Wednesday's dead pet scorpion, Nero, but accidentally set fire to one of Enid's blankets. There was smoke everywhere and it alerted most of the teachers and students.
"Sorry Enid" I said to Enid as I passed her in the hallway, she looked so upset and I felt awful about the whole thing.
"I told you we used too many candles!" I said scoldingly to Wednesday as we walked to the Principal's office.
"There's no such thing as too many candles for a ritual" she said plainly.
"Silence you two!" Larissa barked at us and we walked in silence for the rest of the way.

Larissa slammed the door of her office as we entered and I went to sit down.
"No! Don't get comfortable! I want both of you standing!" she shouted, god she was scary when she was angry.
"Do you two have ANY IDEA the danger you put yourselves and your fellow students in tonight?! You could have set fire to the whole room! The whole school!"
"But we didn't" Wednesday said defiantly, no fear in her voice.
"That is beside the point Miss Addams! I'm giving you both detention for two weeks!"
"But we were just trying to-" I started.
"Silence!" she barked pointing at me then switched her focus back to Wednesday. They stared each other down until Larissa said in a lower voice, "did you know Enid's dear grandmother knitted that blanket for her?"
"Is she blind?" Wednesday said very bluntly and I had to disguise my laugh as a cough. But if looks could kill Larissa's would have murdered me right there.
"I might have expected this from you Miss Addams...but you Miss Silva, you have disobeyed me" she said with a sinister undertone. I knew the meaning behind those words, she was definitely going to punish me and from the dark look in her eyes it wasn't to be enjoyable.
Wednesday looked over at me as I gulped, slightly confused by mine and Larissa's intense exchange.
"You may leave Miss Addams" Larissa said, her eyes still fixed on me.
She only broke her stare when Wednesday didn't budge, "don't make me call your mother in here Wednesday".
I tilted my head discreetly towards the door, signalling for her to leave so she did.

Larissa stepped slowly towards me, her towering height looming over me. She whispered in my ear, "come back here at 7pm tomorrow". Her breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine, but this time they were as cold as the grave.
She straightened up, "now get out of my sight!" and I ran all the way back to my dorm.
"I'm going to fucking kill Wednesday!"

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