Chapter 14 - Revelations (NSFW)

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The next morning I woke up in Larissa's bed with her spooning me from behind. She was holding onto me tightly like I was her favourite teddy bear. I shuffled around so I could see her, she looked so beautiful. Her loose (and slightly messy) platinum blonde hair shimmered in the morning sun, the light from the window painted a white stripe across her face. I could have stared at her forever, she looked so peaceful and relaxed.

After a few minutes her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning gorgeous" I said.
"Good morning my love" she mumbled, my heart skipped a few beats at the new nickname.
"Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"That was the best night's sleep I've had in a long time" she said as she stretched and yawned. Her limbs seemed to take over the entire bed!
"Good, it seemed like you really needed it".
"I think your massage helped. My shoulders feel wonderful!" she said wriggling them.
"Glad I could help" and as I went to kiss her cheek she grabbed the back of my neck to pull me in for a very passionate kiss on the lips.
"Wow you're feisty this morning!" I said when I pulled away catching my breath.
"I had a dream about you" she uttered.
"Oh really? I hope it was a dirty dream".
"Mmm it was".
"Tell me everything" I said and started planting kisses on the side of her neck as she retold it.
"We were making love in front of the fireplace" she breathed.
"Mmm I like the sound of that, seeing your hot sweaty body in the light of the fire".
I continued smothering her neck, slowly making my way down to her chest.
"You were on top of me. Kissing me all over. My neck, my chest, my breasts, my stomach, my thighs..." she moaned.
"Don't stop there Larissa" I said as I climbed on top of her. I pulled the covers over our heads, creating our own little bubble. I could still see her thanks to the bright light shining through her red sheets, casting a pink glow over her skin.
My eyes flickered down to her breasts wrapped up so nicely in her silver silk nightgown. I lowered the straps from her shoulders and lowered the material. Her breasts looked so delectable in this light. I just had to suck on her pretty nipples, swirling my tongue around each delicate bud. My lips travelled down her stomach then I ghosted them along her thighs.
"So what happened next?" I asked rhetorically and she opened her legs wider. I pushed her nightgown up so the hem sat at her hips, her lack of underwear exposing her sex to me. As my tongue made contact I decided to be tender with her today, so I slowly swirled my tongue around and somehow she tasted even better.
"Oh sensual" she moaned. This time she didn't twitch or convulse beneath me, she rotated her hips in the opposite direction of my tongue. We'd never done it like this before but it felt amazing for both of us.
My left hand snaked up her torso to reach her breasts, my gentle squeezes spurring her on. As my tongue dipped deeper inside of her her back arched off the bed, a delicious moan escaping her. There was no roleplay today, no roughness, no domination or submission. Just us.

Eventually her muscles did begin to twitch and her walls got tighter so I knew she was getting close. I wondered if her cum would taste different too.
"Oh my darling please, let me cum for you".
"Do it baby" I demanded and she unravelled, filling my mouth with the most heavenly taste. Even better than the sweetest honey.


A few hours later we reluctantly left the bed and dressed ourselves for the day ahead. Watching Larissa's morning routine was something to behold; the strategic thought process behind choosing her outfit, the precision when applying her makeup and the complexity of pinning her hair. I was hypnotised. As she was putting the finishing touches to her updo I put my hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
"You're truly beautiful Larissa, you know that?" I said to her reflection in the mirror. She put her hand on top of mine and her head on my arm.
Then I got the fright of my life when I spotted another figure in the mirror, standing in the doorway dressed in black. Morticia.
"Well isn't this nice?" she said sarcastically.
"Tish! How the hell did you...?" before Larissa could finish her sentence Morticia cackled.
"Magic darling. I always find a way to you".
I rolled my eyes, lifting my hands from Larissa's shoulders, "I'll let you two have some alone time".
As I turned to walk away Larissa grabbed my wrist with a pleading look in her eyes, "no please stay Mya".
Morticia glowered at me, but she didn't scare me in the slightest. I cared too much about Larissa to leave her alone with this witch. So I stood beside her and held her hand.
"So you're staying the night now? How romantic" she said, strutting over to us. Her sarcasm was really starting to irritate me.
"Morticia..." Larissa growled.
"So what if I did?" I challenged her.
"You really think you're special don't you? I hate to disappoint you dear but you're not, she's just using you for a quick thrill. Nothing more" she uttered, getting closer to my face.
"Oh I know and I don't care, she can use me all she wants and I'll still come back for more".
She scoffed at me, "you weren't even that good..."
"I think Larissa would beg to differ. You should hear her screaming my name..."
"Enough! Both of you!" Larissa shouted as she stood over us. We both looked up at her towering figure.
"What do you want Tish?" Larissa said sternly.
"You know what I want" she turned to me "and only you".
I folded my arms.
"You can't have me. You have a family now. How do you think Wednesday would feel if she knew the truth about us?"
I frowned, "what do you mean?"
Morticia cackled again, "you mean you haven't told your girlfriend about us?"
Larissa clenched her jaw, "there is no 'us'. Not anymore".
"What the hell is going on?!" I snapped.
Larissa sighed, "as you know Morticia and I were roommates at Nevermore...and lovers. But Morticia chose to be with Gomez. When Wednesday enrolled we...started seeing each other again. It was just meaningless sex at first but when Morticia told me she loved me I called it off".
"Why?" I asked. I looked over at Morticia who was also keen to know the answer.
"I-I didn't want to get hurt again" she almost sounded ashamed.
"Larissa, I would never hurt you!" Morticia tried to reassure her.
"But you did! I told you I was in love with you all those years ago and you rejected me! Humiliated me! You ran straight into Gomez's arms because you couldn't admit that you felt the same way! And now you think telling me what I wanted to hear back then is going to win me over?! Well you're sadly mistaken! I'm not putting my life on hold for you anymore! I deserve better than that".
It was the most angry I'd ever seen Larissa but I was proud of her for putting Morticia in her place. She may have been in love with her and maybe she still was but she was proving to her that she was no one's fool.
Black streaks of mascara ran down Morticia's pale face, "I'm so sorry for how I treated you back then but I meant what I said Larissa, I do love you and I always have".
"I knew it" a familiar monotone voice said. All three of us looked towards the door and there stood Wednesday, scowling at all of us.
"Wednesday!" Morticia gasped, getting the shock of her life.
Wednesday ran out of the room and Morticia darted after her. I went to follow them but Larissa grabbed my arm, "leave them".
"It was going to happen sooner or later".
She let go of my arm and sat on the end of her bed with her head in her hands, I sat down next to her.
"Are you OK? That was quite a speech".
"I am actually. I've been wanting to say that to her for years".
"She really treated you that badly?"
"She toyed with me, I was like her lapdog and constantly lived in her shadow. When we graduated I swore to myself I would never be humiliated like that again by anyone".
"Well good for you, you certainly proved that today. I'm really proud of you".
"Thank you my love".
We smiled at each other but there was a question burning in my mind that I had to ask.
"Larissa, tell me honestly, do you still love her?"
She thought about her answer, "no".
"Are you sure?"
She hesitated and didn't answer.
"Do you love me?"
" about you. I'm not sure if it's love but I do have feelings for you".
"I have feelings for you too" I confessed. The fact that I couldn't pull myself away from her last night confirmed it for me. My affection for her had been growing for weeks, I was emotionally attached and quite possessive of her. This wasn't part of our agreement.
"I'm sorry" I said and hung my head.
"Don't be sorry dear" and she put her arm around me. She lifted my head up to face her and kissed me, god I could never get enough of those lips.
"Come back here tonight. We'll talk" she said, her lips sealing the deal.

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