The Pilot

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(Posting my fanfic here as well to widen my range of readers. This was my first fanfic and I love how it turned out. I hope you enjoy the read!)

You slowly regain consciousness. As your eyesight comes too, the room around you takes shape. Wait no, this isn't just a room. It's a room with a prison cell, which you're trapped inside. Oh goodie. You slowly sit up on the rock-hard cot. Your body aches in ways you've never felt before. A sharp pain shoots through your chest, causing you to suck in a breath. What the heck happened?

"Oh perfect, you're awake."

Your eyes snap to the other side of the room. Sabine stands tall with her arms behind her back. How did you not see her there? Your secret crush that absolutely no one knows about, no one can really. No matter how many times she's tried to kill you. You really shouldn't be attracted to her... Ah, now you remember what happened. You grit your teeth. Anne accidentally opened a Pandoric Portal, then when she couldn't close it, caused a whole mess she, nor the others, stuck around to take care of. On top of that THEY LEFT YOU BEHIND while they fled to safety. That knowledge hurts more than the pain in your chest.

"I thought you said you would let me go...are you not a woman of your word after all?". You look at Sabine through the bars. Meeting her amber eyes, she relaxes her position. Putting her arms down to her sides.

"It was too easy. After helping us with the rifts, creatures, and closing the portal. You were severely weakened. Too good of an opportunity to not take." Sabine's tone was almost mocking, but matter of fact "So, I knocked you out and brought you here."

"Where's my horse? I swear if you hurt him..." You stand up with your fists balled. Ready to blast her into next week.

"You'll what? You're the one in the cell, not me." She waves a hand, "Jay sent him back to your stable. He was ready to die for you, you know."

"I would hope so, he's my Guardian Horse" you sit back down on the cot, defeated. "I still can't believe they left me."

"They left you to fend for yourself, that was pretty cold, even for us Dark Riders." Sabine examines her sharp black manicure. Clearly, she was bored already. "I honestly thought you would put up more of a fight."

"And for what, just to go back to them and pretend like all is well. Hey guys I know you totally left me behind to die but don't worry I cleaned your fucking mess for you!" your voice fill with rage and your power crackles a bit.

Sabine's eyes shine with excitement as soon as the swear leaves your mouth "Exactly. Are they really your friends? Tell me, y/n, have they ever truly helped you?"

You ponder that and shake your head a bit "Bare minimum at most. Hell, even you, Katja, and Jay helped out more during that whole ordeal than what the other soul riders would have done. They would have just watched". All the pent-up anger boils the more you think about everything. You just can't stand it anymore. You were tired of them treating you like a pawn.

Sabine chuckles darkly. She strides over to the cell door and opens it. "Come on. I have a proposition for you".

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