Path to Darkness

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You weren't surprised by what had happened. It stung that's for sure. Just when you thought that maybe things weren't so bad after all. Boom, your efforts are hardly acknowledged. You were so sick of it. If anyone was to be praised, it should have been you. As you ride at a walk through the Greendale Mountain pass, towards the Goldspur farm, you hear heavy hoof steps come up behind you. You quickly wipe your eyes free of any frustrated tears that may have slipped. Khaan strides up next to you and your horse, his hooves leaving scorch marks with every step. So, she was watching after all. Your horse shies away from the dark horse, but you give them a reassuring pat.

"Well, that certainly didn't take long, did it?" Sabine chuckles, "I was shocked to see Linda was helping you. You put up a good fight, I'll give you that. Then Lisa showed up."

"And took all the credit" You clench your reins "you should be careful; they could be coming after me."

"Not right away. I watched them a little bit before coming to meet you. Probably giving you space since you sped off."

"Makes sense. I yelled at them a bit" You turn your head to look at her. If she was so bad, why did she look so damn good? So regal atop of her dark steed. Khaan is also pretty proud of himself.

"So does that mean you've made a decision?" Sabine meets your gaze. She must have felt the holes burning into her from your stare.

You swallow hard and halt your horse. Sabine stops as well, her sharp eyes on you as she awaited your answer. "Sabine. If I were to choose that path. The Jorvik we know will be no more."

"Nothing remains the same forever y/n. You and I both know that Jorvik has been full of darkness and secrets long before we, the Dark Core, have existed. Have you thought that maybe the Druids aren't really in it for Jorvik, and just for themselves? They're all so old, but their Soul Riders seem to never make it long. Funny, isn't it? Also, you do the work, and they don't lift a finger. Hell, they hardly even train you outside of running in circles and using the same light power." She takes a heavy breath. As if she was frustrated on your behalf. "And as for taking down Garnok, who do you think will be the one sacrificed to do so? You. No one could survive that; it would take your life to defeat him."

She wasn't wrong. That was made clear by Fripp a little while ago. The only way to defeat Garnok once and for all, is essentially a sacrifice. That person would inevitably be you. You would die and they would hold a somber memorial, cry, and somehow make Garnok's defeat about themselves. Then in a blink, move on like nothing happened. You don't get a chance to answer however, you could hear Linda and Lisa coming up the road, calling you.

Sabine's face twisted with annoyance; she was so close to getting what she wanted "meet me at the highest peak on Firgrove Mountain." In a flash, she and Khaan were long gone. Charred hoofprints were all that remained.

Just in time too, because Lisa and Linda just reached where you were. Linda was studying the scorched hoof prints "I know those hoof prints anywhere. Sabine. What on earth was she doing here?"

Lisa walks Starshine up to you "y/n we are so sorry, I didn't mean to take your spotlight. You deserved to be praised. Linda told me how you bravely fought off Katja and felt so bad she didn't praise you first."

"Yeah, I'm really sorry, y/n. I didn't mean to upset you" Linda's voice is honest,

You think quickly. "It's fine. As I was galloping this way I saw Sabine, probably keeping an eye on Katja. I chased after her, but Khaan was way too fast."

Linda huffs "She was smart running away."

"Yeah" you feign a small laugh. "I guess she was scared of how crazy good I am at riding in circles."

Lisa and Linda laugh with you "Oh, stop. You do so much more than that." Linda assures you. She didn't hear the sarcasm in your tone.

Lisa rubs her stomach "Man, I don't know about you guys, but i could go for some lunch."
Now that she mentions it, you realize that it was past noon. Probably closer to one, based on where the sun was hanging in the sky.

"You sound like Alex" Your own stomach growls in agreement, having worked up an appetite. "But I agree. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" your horse tosses their head in objection "chill, I'm only kidding." you give them a pat.

Linda grins. "Last one to Stablebucks is a rotten egg!" she takes off on Meteor.

"Not again" You shake your head with a slight smile. You take after Linda, Lisa riding alongside you.

You managed to have a decent time with Linda and Lisa. They planned to go find Anne and Alex tomorrow. Soon you part ways and head home for a little rest before you head out again. As night falls across Jorvik, you head to the Firgrove Mountains. In the cover of darkness, you slowly make your way up the side of the mountain. You know the trail like the back of your hand. Your horse is steady and sure. Higher and higher you go. Far past where the normal trail ends, is a secret one that leads to the cliff at the top. There, you see Sabine waiting at the edge, arms behind her back in her usual stance. Taking in the view, which was indeed beautiful. Khaan is off to the side. Watching as you make it over to them. Sabine looks over her shoulder as you land from dismounting.

"I was wondering if you would come here. You really are serious about this" She watches you as you walk over to her.

"Why wouldn't I? You're very convincing" You turn to look at the view. Standing next to Sabine on a cliff this high up should be in the book of things NOT to do. Yet here you are.

As if she was reading your mind, she cracks a smirk "I can't tell if you're really smart, or really dumb."

You shrug a bit "I live on the edge." you look down at the drop "literally."

"Hm. Back to what I was saying earlier. Once you join us, there is no going back to the light. At least not entirely"

"What do you mean?" you look at her slightly confused. Obviously, there is no going back.

"A wolf in sheep's clothing. If you so wish, keep pretending to be on their side, and then stick it to them when they need you the most. Maybe sabotage a quest every now and then." Her eyes get dangerously dark. You have to look away. Once you start working with her, how will you be able to hide your attraction then?

The whole idea, both her plan and just her in general, excites you in many ways "I smell what you're cooking. Sounds like it will be fun."

Sabine holds out her hand "y/n, do you agree to become a Dark Rider?" This was it. This is the moment that will seal your fate. But you've spent enough time thinking about this, and you were ready to join the dark side.

"You don't have to ask me twice" you reach out and shake her hand. Letting go of her hand, the wind picked up, howling across the mountain top as if Jorvik itself could sense your betrayal.

Sabine grins as she steps a bit closer to you and leans down to where she's face-to-face with you. "Good girl" With a swift shove she sends you over the edge of the cliff.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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