Of Ash and Ice

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(Spoiler warning if you're not caught up with the story quest. I heavily relied on the Primeval Seed quest for this chapter.)

Soft music plays as you slowly wake up. You recognize the song. It's Lisa's song, Soul Riders. The simple fact that is the song you wake up to was humorous. Your eyes adjust a bit more and you can see Linda sitting at the end of your bed, quietly reading. She notices you stirring awake and quickly sets her book down.

"y/n! Oh, thank Aideen you're awake and ok. I was so worried about you. When you and the others didn't come back, I got so worried. I looked everywhere. When I was about to give up and get help, I checked your stable one more time. I found you laying on the floor unconscious. What the heck happened?" Linda had picked you up off the floor and gotten home and into bed. That was so sweet of her. The anger you felt wasn't towards her. She was just doing her part when all that happened.

You try your best to recap what happened. Linda listened intently. "On the way back from the tomb, we ran into the Dark Riders escorting a Drakonium shipment. Anne accidentally opened a portal when she tried to attack them but couldn't close it. Things were about to get really bad. A Vala witch showed up to help us escape, Mrs. Holdsworth didn't object so they followed her into the portal. Only problem is, I didn't make it through. I ended up teaming with the Dark Riders to clean up the mess. Though I'm sure if you asked them about it, they'll deny ever doing so. I guess I passed out from exhaustion after putting my horse away." you shrug.

Linda must not have seen your Starbreed there the first time she went into your stable, because she doesn't say anything to debunk your white lie. "Well, if Mrs. Holdsworth trusted the Vala witch enough to follow her, I'm sure they're fine. But wow the Dark Riders actually helped you? Man, I bet that was interesting."

"It was indeed" Watching Sabine effortlessly use her powers was a beautiful sight. You would be lying if you said you didn't almost get taken out by a shadow seeker, because you were too distracted staring at her.

Linda snaps you out of that thought, "So, are you up for the next thing we need to do? You have the Primeval Seed that still needs to be planted. I finished my research. The seed needs to be planted by someone with Aideen's gift, as in you. I can explain more once we get to The Forgotten Fields, where that ancient tree was cut down."

You take a deep breath and let it out. The pain in your chest was mostly gone, but there was still a heaviness remaining. Thankfully everything else didn't feel too bad anymore. "Right. I'll grab a horse and we can head out."

Linda heads out to wait for you. You take your time getting ready, but eventually you make it to your stable. You have a handful of horses you've purchased over time. Your Starbreed nickers happily at you.

"Not today, buddy. It's another horse's turn to be ridden." You say as you give his nose a little scratch on your way past his stall. He didn't look too bummed however, since he'll be able to go out into the pasture and be lazy. You walk up to one of your other horses, who perks up, now excited that they have been chosen for today's adventure.

In no time you're tacked up and mounted. You head out of the stable and ride up to Linda where she was waiting. "Ok i'm ready"

"Awesome, race you there! Let's go Meteor!" she turns him around and starts galloping off.

"Hey, that's not fair!" you manage a laugh and encourage your horse into a gallop without missing a beat. Galloping after Linda, the wind whips through your hair. Nothing beats the rush of galloping at high speeds. The road winds around and soon the sound of hooves drum on the bridge that leads to the Harvest Counties. Your horse manages to stay close to Meteor but soon starts to pass him. Linda smiles at you, just happy you're having fun. As you wind through the road leading to Forgotten Fields, a cool chill creeps over your skin. I'll be keeping an eye on you from now on. Sabine's smooth yet stern voice echoes in your head. Was she here now? Up on a cliff somewhere? Unknowingly, you slow your horse to look up at the cliffs. You don't see anyone. Hm, surely, she doesn't want you to see her. You mentally nod. Your thought is interrupted by Linda blazing past you on Meteor. Ope, you nearly forgot you were in the middle of a race. You quickly speed up your horse and resume racing after her.

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