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Javonxreader. Will contain touching


I walked thru the halls of our school on my way to science. I walked alone cause with my luck I got none of my friends in my class. But at least I got focus on my grades.

I met the board as soon as I walked in and it said names of only one person at every two person seats. Huh weird. I had my seat at the back. Which was really nice because I could se everything.

All the people who didn't get seated was standing in a line by the door while the teacher walked in to class all high and mighty. I hated mr smith but what could I do.

" good morning class I elite like to start to give out everyone their seats. The half of the class that already has a seat may be stay seated. While the other half of the class is going to get seated by one of These students." Everyone looked all shocked. I looked around in the people who was sitting it was only "nerds" while the more loud and popular kids stood in the line.

I sighed heavily at my sight as we all waited for me smith to continue. "So now we will start with ... by ....
And ... by ..." his words faded while I waited for my name. "Y/n and Javon"

Hell no.Javon Walton my almost swore to be enemy.
He always flirted or made dumb remarks about how "inlove" I was with him and stuff.

He smirked hearing our names be called and walked to the back to sit down beside me. "Oh fuck me" I said sighed. "I bet you would want that" he whisper in my ear. I got goosebumps and shifted uncomfortable in my seat. I thought he didn't hear me so this was embarrassing.

This was a week ago and now I have my second science lesson for the year.

I walked in late because of me missing all my alarms.
I ran into the classroom and it went quiet. "Look who finally showed up, sit down miss y/l/n"
Mr smith said all proud of himself.
"Oh and y/n detention after school" I just nodded and sat down.

Javon just stared bored at the desk. But when I walked by he smirked and watched my every move.
He seemed stress about something. But then he literally just took everything of our desk and throwed it on the floor and waited for a reaction from the teacher. Everyone sat in silence waiting for mr smith to say something.

"Oh mister Walton detention whit you classmate miss y/l/n" he smirks as he sat down beside me again. I met his state and he winked at me.
What the flip.

After school

I was on my way to detention when Javon came up to me. "So how have you day been" he asked me.
"What" I did confused, "yeah how have your day been" he said again. "Amazing" i answered dryly.
We walked almost shoulder to shoulder down the corridor in Silence.

"Hello welcome to detention mr Walton and miss y/l/n so here we have some rules as" he paused and started to write on the board. "No talking, No arguing, No touching" Javon chuckled at the last rule.

Their we sat in silence doing homework. While Javon wrote something on his desk. "Oh no I'm sorry but I need to fix something don't move" mr smith said while he locked the door on the way out. I just got back to my paper while I heard Javons chair move on the floor.

I just ignored it. Til I felt someone's breath on my neck, goosebumps. "So what you doing" he said almost whispering. "Homework" I said back. He sat down at the chair beside me. His hand stroke down my arm as he did so. I just ignored it. His hand was on the desk right beside my hand but it soon traveled down to his thighs. He spread his legs as he moved his Han from his thigh to mine. His one touched mine while his hand rested on my thigh.

I was starting to feel hot. But I tried to ignore him will he can't have that satisfaction. His thumb stared to draw circles on my leg.  I stared to feel weird some feeling I've never felt before. So I tried to close my legs. He smirked at my action. "You like that huh" he said softly as his whole hand separated my legs to stroke my thigh for real this time.

"Answer me" he said a little louder. I nodded.
We heard the key to the door twist and Javon ran to his seat.

"You guys may be dismissed" mr smith said all happy.

I hope people like this book when they se it

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