Intrested In What I'm Doing?

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Tsukasa arrives to his seat
And luckily he got the seat far from the baby crying, with a window no wing view , and..not near the exit door.

Tsukasa sits down and looks around get ready
Tsukasa remembered when he was booking for seat in the plane no one was on the last seat but in the middle odd..they didn't go for the window seat?

Rui's Pov

Rui arrived to his lane to see a blonde , beautiful, handsome man infront of him
Even though rui was hoping to put some off his luggage in the empty chairs last time he had checked
But rui was unbothered by this he decided to keep at least one thing on the unclaimed seat which was a mini robot which had somehow got pass the pat-down and detectors???

It was not long until the plane had took off

Rui : well this is quite boring...
Rui saying to himself

Rui : oh..thats right I brought my little robot with me I should probably do some upgrades so i can show to nene when i get back :DDD

Little did rui not know was that..tsukasa heard all of what he had just said
Despite Rui talking to himself

Rui took out the little robot and started added some simple accessories just in case any staff members were going to stop his mechanical work
Pretty sure its based of experience...

Tsukasa's interest got piqued by what purple haired boy was doing

Purple Haired Boy : have I piqued your interest~?

Blonde Haired Boy : oh uhm..just a little..?

The purple haired boy chuckled by the blondes reply

The blonde got a little flustered by the response

Rui : fu-fu~ My Name Is Rui Kamishiro, May I know yours ?

Blonde : oh-

Tsukasa : my name is.. Tsukasa Tenma

Rui : oh~ ! Well its nice to meet you Tsukasa and must i say you have quite a beautiful face name ~ :3

Tsukasa : its nice to meet you as well..! And thank you..i think your name is nice too! :)))

Rui : thank you~ thats very kinda of you :333

Tsukasa : anyways..what are you doing???

Rui : oh , im making a mini robot i showed my friend before im going to put upgrades to it so when i come back i can show it to her!

Tsukasa : oh ok! But are you sure the airport will allow that-?

Rui : i have my ways don't worry ! >:3333

Tsukasa : oh- ok..?

T's mind : Suspicious...

Rui : well..since you asked me a question and gave you an answer its only fair if i can ask one too right~! (?)

Tsukasa : hmm..i guess ask a way then?

Rui : why are you here?

Tsukasa : oh i had a deal with a friend if i won i could go anywhere i wanted for vacation and i won in the end and here i am she paid for my other commodities

Rui : oh wow- must be nice ?

Tsukasa : i guess.. don't have much close friends other than her and my siblings

Rui : oh that's unfortunate..
R's mind : i guess we struggle the same thing..huh..

Tsukasa : well.. can i ask you a question?

Rui : oh sure!

Tsukasa : why are you here?

Rui : oh well...lets you saw earlier i was working on a mini robot where im going needs help with my someone who has my specialty and they payed for the flight and the place im staying at

Tsukasa : ohh? May i know a little more ? Of course! if thats ok asking?

Rui : sure~!never hurts to answer a curious mind

Rui : well hmm im going to there every week on Saturdays only.. oh and im staying for 1 month!

Tsukasa : oh? It's funny..

Rui : hmm~?

Tsukasa : im staying here for one month too!

Rui : oh~? Then I suppose we could still keep in touch after this flight?

Tsukasa : oh? Sure I wouldn't mind

Rui : then you wouldn't mind if I asked for your number then?

Rui smiled softly at blonde

Tsukasa : yeah..I wouldn't mind at all!

Tsukasa opens his bag and gets his sticky notes and 2 pens

Tsukasa gave one pen to rui

Rui : thank you :333

Tsukasa : no problem ...^^

After awhile they finished writing their numbers on the paper and exchanged their papers
Tsukasa and rui put the paper in their pocket

And rui gave back tsukasa his pen

Tsukasa : should only take a 10 hours to get to L.A

Rui : mhm

Tsukasa : going to take a nap

Rui : ok~ ill continue with my little robot...perhaps i could add a alarm clock to it...

Tsukasa : i heard that...

Rui : oh whoopsies~

Tsukasa sighed to himself

Tsukasa : but still..if i dont wake up ..wake me up 1 hour before we land..

Rui : sure~


Ok tbh this was good
I like it a lot
And ..
As you can tell there was more writing goin on other than the past chapters
With like 500+ words and under😭😭
Well that settles for chapted 3~
See you soon~! >:3333

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