What Are We Going To Do?

431 6 161

Weeks left
2 / 4
Yes I consider the breakfast a hang out time
Im tired and im losing ideas 😭😭☹️☹️☹️
Ive made chapters like
2-3 times a day 😭
Bear with me

- July 21 -


Tsukasa & Rui

Tsukasa : hey...rui?

Rui : hmm? whats up!

Tsukasa : can i go to your room later after lunch?

Rui : sure ! Why?

Tsukasa : i need to talk about next week..

Rui : oh..i see

Tsukasa : i'll talk to you soon..

Rui : oh okay..

End Of Chat

= Tsukasa's Room =

Tsukasa : ...do i tell him that I developed feelings for him..?
No..ill just..talk about school and what to do for our last week together..

= Rui's Room =

Rui : is he going to tell me?...or am i going to have to tell him myself..?

After Lunch
2:00 PM

Tsukasa left his room and knocked on Rui's door

= Rui's Room =

Rui heard the knock and opened the door and let tsukasa in

Rui : ah-! Tsukasa you're here !

Tsukasa: hi rui..

Rui : so lets sit down, what did you want to talk about specifically

Tsukasa: i know we only have a few days left with each other

Rui : yeah? What about it?

Tsukasa : what are we going to do, i do want to spend time with you

Rui : i want too but ..what do you exactly do you mean?

Tsukasa : can i check out off my room-

Rui : wait...what do you mean..? Did i do something wrong?

Tsukasa : rui..let me finish..

Tsukasa held rui's hands

Tsukasa : can i stay in your room until our vacation ends? I know its alot to ask but—

Rui : yes.

Tsukasa : re-really..?

Rui : YES! I want to spend more time with you while i can...but when we separate promise me that you won't say goodbye but instead "see you soon" ..?

Tsukasa : i promise

Rui : ok! You should go tell the front desk , go go go!

Tsukasa : okay okay- wait ill do it!

Tsukasa left Rui's room to go to the front desk and tell them the situation
Surprisingly it worked out
So he gave back the key card
After packing his things

= Rui's Room =
(soon to be Rui's And Tsukasa's 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭)

Tsukasa knocked on the door

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