It's Been Quite Long Since We Last Seen , No?

393 8 103

Hello there
I just wanted to say that
Whenever Rui and Tsukasa hang out
Thats 1 week taken away from their vacation
Because im too lazy so time skip
And also
We won't be talking about
With the person his working with a lot ig
(The thing that needed rui's special abilities / Talents )
Weeks Left - 1 / 4

July 8


Rui & Tsukasa

Tsukasa : good morning!

Rui : good morning tsukasa ! :)))

Tsukasa : do you want to go have breakfast together ?

Rui : ooo yeah ! I wouldn't mind I haven't eaten yet

Tsukasa : i'll meet you at your room this time then?

Rui : sure!

5:50 AM

5:50 AM

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Tsukasa got his room card and left his room and knocked on rui's door

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Tsukasa got his room card and left his room and knocked on rui's door

Once rui heard the knock
He went to the door
And opened the door for tsukasa

Rui : hello tsukasa !

Tsukasa : hi rui !

Rui : should we get going then?

Tsukasa : sure!

You know how some hotels have a buffet
Well this one has one
And that is where they will be eating

They went into the elevator and press the floor 1
When they arrived they started walking to the buffet
When they got in the entrance
Rui decided to go to the restroom think he told tsukasa
But he didn't so he left tsukasa on his own
Tsukasa was also looking around
But he didn't know Rui wasn't there

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