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Third person

Aris started telling them about Ashley leaving out her last name. When the suits got in the room, Ashley watched as Tony started analizing them. "I can show you how they work, if you want." She asked him. He looked up and smiled stupidly and nodded. "Aris, open Blue." He opened it and she got out of Rescue and into
Blue, but before closing it she was stopped. "You have an reactor too?" Tony asked. I nodded and closed Blue. I motioned them to follow me into the training room. They did. I started Blue and flew up and stopped in  mid air. "Aris, start the training system for Blue." "Yes, ma'mm" he startes it and i started the training.

~time skip~ Tony is now out of his suit.

After testing all the suits except Mark 09. "What about thata one?" Black Widow asks. "That one is not finished.
So now you know who and what i am you can leave." Ashley says tring to push Hulk out the door or window. She moved him to the window which surprised all the Avengers. No one can move the Hulk. "Not so fast, missy. We want to know why you hacked into S.H.E.I.L.D. Also, why you been making illegal suits." Tony asked sitting me down." One, if my suits are illegal, so are yours, and 2 i want to find out where Doom is hiding! So i can beat the hell out him!" Ashley says."uhh, why?" Hawkeye asks, annoyed."because this so called Avengers team cant!" She yells.

"Arnt you a little young to fight crime?" Natasha asks."no! Im 15! I am the same age as Peter Parker! Aka Spiderman!" Ashley yells at her."now get out now!". "Wait, how did you know Spidermans identity?" Hawkeye asks." My friend, Deadpool, told me. Heard of him?" Ashley askes, clearly annoyed."yeah, yeah we do'" Tony states."Mrs. Stark, if i may. I ran the test on Iron Man." Aris says."ARIS!! I TOLD YOU SPECIFCALY NOT TO SAY MY LAST NAME!!" Ashley yells. Tony and the rest of the Avengers confused."Sorry ma'mm. Would you like to see the results?" The A.I asks, not affected by her yelling.

"Yes, i will." She says, while sighing."Wait, you did a test on me? And you stloe my last name!" Tony asks/yells at her, waiting for answers. " yes i did a test on you. And i didnt steal your last name, i was born with it. My mother gave it to me before she past." Ashley sighed, typing on her computer."oh, well why did you test me?" Tony askes."because we have the same last name so i wanted to know if we have a connection."

"Ok, well whats the results?" He asked."umm, i just noticed this but we are getting comfortable around a teenager who one hacked into S.H.E.I.L.D, two has suits and a last name like Tony, and three  pushed the Hulk! Ummm, do you see what im pointing out?" Hawkeye asked.The rest of the Avengers but Tony nod." Ummm, i need to get Aris to send them to my computer, think you can do that, Aris?" Ashley askes Aris, ignoring Hawkeye. "Yes, sending right now." Aris stated.

A ding was heared. Ashley made her way to her laptop and picked it up. She suddenly drops it, causing it to fall on Trick. The cat meowed then got from under the laptop. "Are you ok!?" Captain asks. Tony picks up the computer then also drops it."Dad?" Ashley asks,"Daughter?" Tony asks too, tears in both there eyes. They both hugged each other

"God. I thought they took you! I-I was looking for you. They told me you were d-" Ashley cuts Tony off," Shh, im here now, dad." Ashley says while crying."Am i missing something? Tony has a long lost 15year old daughter?!" Hawkeye askes, disbelife written on his face." How about you move back in with me? We could be  a family, i can teach you to control your A.I better and your powers !" Tony said trying to get her out the door." Dad, i controled them already. And i would love to come, but i cant leave my stuff or Trick and Treat." Ashley says, pulling from the hug and gestures to her cats.

"You could bring them! And most of your stuff!"  Tony smiles, picking up Treat. "Oh, great! Two Starks! Am i the only one thinking this? The sudden change here?!?" Hawkeye started, but befor he could finish Ashley threw ice at his feet and mouth, causing him to be freeked out."Ok dad but dont you have to go tell Fury?" Ashley stated, reading Captain America's mind. Which his mind is to his work and loyality to Fury and S.H.E.I.L.D.

"Shit! Yeah i forgot! Umm ill stay here for a week or two and get to know you better and while i think of something to tell Fury." Tony walked into the kichten."I guess, what about the rest of the Avengers and that guy.
Who is that?" Ashley asked playing with the half frozen figure. "Tell me about yourself." She said giving a cakled laugh when he didnt reply. "No no, think it! Wow, for an Avenger you really are hmm...dumb." She gave that sinister laugh again." Your daughter is scary!" Natasha said to Tony, Captain shook his head in agreement.

Ashley laughed again, she loved how people thought she was creepy or scary they wont bother to mess with her! "Aww, come on i dont bite....much. Just open up a little of your mind, hun." Ashley chuckled,"looks like we are doing this the hard way then!" She melted the ice on his lip" Now, tell me who you are! Make sure to leave nothing out, understood?" He nodded and began talking. How i love mind control!! She thought to herself. The rest of the Avengers watched, not daring to go near." Thanks...Clint!" She returned back into her sweet lovable state and turned to her dad and his co-workers.

"Lets eat a meal, yes!" They nodded, not daring to interject."hmm, lets have.......pasta! I love pasta, dont you?" She laughed at their scared-ness." Hey, stop being scared! Your mighty Avengers! I am only like that when i use my powers, most of the time. As much as i love people being afraid of me, you guys need to stop being scared! Ha, its funny actully, a no-body like me scaring the Avengers. Earth's mightest heros!" Ashley chuckled. Then she started dinner.

Tony Starks daughterWhere stories live. Discover now