For Real!!

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Ashley managed to finish the suit, while watching Thor work the t.v remote. " what is this trickery!!" He yelled, holding the remote up in the air. " thats called a remote, it controls the t.v, Thor." Kitty explained and grabbed the remote from him, turning on the t.v. It was the news, Ashley's least favorite show of them all. " more Heros in New York? We got a glimps of what looks like a female version of Ironman. It appears that this heroine is fighting a shadow of some sort. Officals say, it might be a imposter or a teen prank....."

Ashley groaned, looking around." I hate her! Stupid news reporter!" Ashley yelled at the t.v. "woah, who got your panties in a bunch?" Tony joked walking towards her. Captain looked disgusted,"really Tony!_" he yell at the billionare. Tony chuckled, looking at Blue. "Looks good" he commented. "Thanks, Tony. Means alot coming from you. Oh, and do you know where Hawkeye is?" Ashley looked at her father. Tony smirk, looking back." NO, its not like that Tony!! We are friends!" Ashley yelled at him knowing what he was thinking.

"Suuure. He is in the house." Tony said, leaving to talk to Widow. Ashley ran to the house. She had to admit, she did kinda like him, but not that far! Ashley walked inside seeing Hawkeye went upstairs, considering the trail of boot prints leading upstairs. She walked upstairs silently, the trail leading, to her room. Ashley carefully opened her door, peaking inside. She found Hawkeye holding her guitar playing and.....singing!?!

He was singing Stereo Heart. Ashley stood there, amazed at how good he could sing. After a few minutes, him in the middle of the song, she started singing along. Hawkeye jumped, droping the guitar and turning towards her, his face flushed, " h-how long?"

Ashley giggled, "long enough to now your an amazing singer". Ashley picked up the fallen guitar, one of the strings broke, Ashley shrugged it off and put it in her closet. Hawkeye stood there, embarresed. "Hawkeye? Are you ok?" Ashley waved a hand in front of his face, hiding a smile. "Huh! Please dont tell the others!" He begged.
"Tell us what?" Widow asked standing in the doorway, with the others, including Kitty." Uhh, umm-" Hawkeye tried.

Ashley helped, " he didnt want you guys to know...." she started, losing her words." That i, um," Hawkeye backed up." Like to........cook?" Ashley questioned, looking at the faces of the others. "Oookay then..." Tony walks away awkwardly along with Captain, Hulk and Thor. Kitty shakes her head and follows them, same for Widow. Hawkeye and Ashley colasped on the bed in relife," that. Was. Close" Ashley dramatically panted for breath.

Hawkeye agreed, looking at her. Ashley looked back, her eyes started glowing a light red as she stared back. He looked confused and full of amazment, "woah! Your eyes are red!" He gasps. Ashley quickly looked down, mumbling a sorry. "Its ok, i think it cool" he reassured. Ashley looked up, eyes back to normal. "For real?" Ashley questioned in disbelife. Hawkeye nodded and smiled. Ashley hugged him, smiling. Blushing, Hawkeye hugged back. Blushing also, Ashley pulled away, looking in his eyes again.

"Sorry! I didnt mean to, i was caught in the moment! God, im a screw up! You probaly hate me now! Im sor-" Ashley eyes widen as she sees Hawkeye kissing her. She didnt know if it was to shut her up, or something.....else. She suddenly kissed back, still blushing......

Sorry for the wait! I moved! Anyways, im looking for one more person. Please PM me!

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