Chapter 4: Faces Old and New

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Mew watched as the sun set over the wildlands, beyond her tree-shaped home. All around her she would hear the peaceful sounds, of a gentle breeze or Pokémon playing amongst themselves. Of course, some times those sounds weren't so peaceful, such as a storm or if an argument broke out. The latter of the two she'd have to sort out if it got too violent. However, other than that, it was calm and tranquil. Though the mythical couldn't help but wonder if this peace would last.

"Enjoying yourself?" Someone mentally said to her.

"As much as I can," She said in return, turning around to see her brother floating towards her, "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be watching over them?"

"They are currently not in any danger. Besides there is something I've been meaning to ask you. Though it hadn't really been relevant until now."


"You didn't tell him about her."

"Tell who about what?"

"Don't play coy. You know what I'm talking about."

"It doesn't matter now. He won't know her anyways."

"Yes, he will."

"What are you talking about?"

"Unlike Uxie, our memory altering abilities are not permanent. When Ash encountered me for the second time, the memory wipe I placed on him slowly crumbled. Once they come in contact your changes will begin to fade. They will remember."

"That might not happen."

"You know of the relationship she has with the boy, the boy that he is training. They will meet one way or another."

Mew whimpered. Unpleasant memories rushing to the fore front of her mind.

"Does he even know what you've done?" Mewtwo asked.

"No, I erased all memories. No one remembers what they had and no one other than them is alive to recollect."

"So, when they remember?"

"It will just be a recollection, like realizing where you put your keys last, simple as that," Mew paused, "How did you even know about this? You weren't even born when it happened."

"You're not the only one who runs into a Celebi every now and again."

Mew sighed, "Sometimes I wished those little things kept their mouths shut when it came to their gossiping."

"Well, you can't control everything. Why you do it?"

"A friend asked. She was scared, and just wanted to keep the ones she loved safe."

"No alternative motive?"

"I don't hate humans as much as you do, Two. I didn't want to do it, but it was for the peace. The Alpha's chosen would've waged war, if they had discovered what she had done. So, I summoned a Celebi to send her away, but not before rewriting what everyone thought was real."

"Including her?"

"She didn't want to remember what she would lose."

Lucario's ear twitched. The sounds of humans and Pokémon sleeping peacefully filling it. He silently closed his eyes and searched what Ash called a 'train car'. There were many unfamiliar auras surrounding him and the others, but all of them were calm. Subdued with sleep. Including the ones in the same booth as him. Satisfied that they were safe, he opened his piercing red eyes and recounted the day's events.

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