Chapter 23: Let's Battle

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"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?" Amanda said.

"I'm sorry, Amanda but there wasn't anything in the data copy you gave me. Nothing on your brother's location at least." Clemont said through the video call.

Amanda resisted throwing her laptop across the room. The action would do nothing but break the only reason she was able to complete her degree and have the chance at finding her idiot brother. And it would take months to make enough allowance to be able to get a cheaper replacement. The urge was still tempting though.

"So, we're back at square one?" Ash asked.

"Well, technically...yes. We just don't have anything else to comp through."

"Don't despair," Uncle Aaron cut in, "Will find him another way."

"Apologize for my bluntness, Uncle, but what other way? Your aura seek thing will only work at close range now, due to the population increase," Amanda let out a sigh, "What a complete waste of time."

"Well, I wouldn't say complete waste of time. I did find out about a bunch of Team Rocket operations in Kalos. I tipped off law enforcement. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't care, let these motherfuckers burn," Amanda said, moving to cut the call.

"Wait," Goh said, "Did you say you found other operations run by Team Rocket?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well wouldn't those operations also have information stores of their own?" Goh said.

"Information stores that might have something on Riley!" Ash said.

"It's possible," Amanda said, "Which one to do we strike though?"

"Well, I'd hate to say this, but all the ones in kalos are off the table. Unless you want to have a run with the police that is."

"Yeah nope, can't have anything on my record," Amanda said, "The one we pick will also need to have available building specs I can download."

"Wait, are you seriously considering breaking and entering again?" Goh said.

"No offence, Goh, but modern problems require modern solutions," Amanda said.

Ash nodded.

"You're agreeing with her?" Goh said.

"Goh, I've done a lot of weird and morally questionable shit," Ash said, "Breaking and entering is just another Saturday. And I don't even need to dress in drag for this."

Goh let out a groan.

"How about this one," Clemont said drawing everyone's attention back to the screen, "The building specs are available and from the looks of it, the main computer terminal is on the top floor not a basement."

Amanda opened the file that was sent to her. The specs were clean, and up to date till last year at best. It looked like a shut down school's sports hall. She hummed. The most she's having to deal with would most likely be some security cameras she'd hack and locked doors that she could pick.

"It's got promise. Where is this exactly?" Amanda said.

"Nimbasa City."

"Unova. What are they doing there?" Ash said.

"According to what I found it's the..."

"...Playground Pokémon Tournament! Compete with friends, Rise in Ranks, and Show off your best battle tactics," Goh read off the sign in front of them, "It's a battle competition."

Why would Team Rocket host an event such as this?

"To scope out which of the local trainers have the best catch," Amanda said.

"Then steal them for themselves," Ash growled.

"Well, this makes my job a lot easier," Amanda said.

"How so?" Sir Aaron asked.

"Usually, I would need to come up an excuse for being in a place I'm clearly not supposed to be, but this just gives me one. We enter the competition, I sneak to the main terminal between goes, and if I get caught, I can play dumb little trainer girl got lost on the way to the bathroom," Amanda said.

"So, all four of us enter?" Sir Aaron said.

"Three, Sorry uncle, but you don't have the minimum three Pokémon required, to compete, much less a legit trainer's license...or social number...or even a birth certificate. I have a lot of government papers to fake for you, don't I?" Amanda said.

Then Goh registered her first have of the sentence, "Wait, three? You're going to compete?"

"Yes? It's the logical choice, the more people we have in the competition the longer we'll last in it, the more time I have to hack," Amanda said.

"You're going to compete, in a battle competition?" Goh said again.

"Come on, Goh, I'm excited to see Amanda fight, what's the big deal?" Ash said.

"Ash did you forget she's from Ryme City?"

"I'm not stupid Goh, after what you said in Alola, I look the place up," Ash said.

"Then how do she'd know anything about Pokémon battles?" Goh said.

Amanda snorted, "like you're one to judge Goh, you've had your trainers license for not even a year, and how many tournaments have you been in?"

"I might not have been in many tournaments, but I've been watching them both in person and on tv since I was a little kid," Goh said, "You've probably never even seen a battle in person."

Amanda shrugged, with a smirk on her face, "If that's what you think."

She walked away, heading towards the reception desk inside the building.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Goh said, "Amanda! What's that supposed to mean!"


Hello!!! Everyone. It wouldn't be a Pokémon fic without some kind of tournament arch, so here is my offering to the hungry Pokémon followers of fanfictions.

And to all you riley fans out in my audience, don't worry, we'll be getting back to him very very soon.

Anyone have any guess as to how much Goh is underestimating Amanda? 

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