Chapter 15: Escape the Temple

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There was a heavy swirl of dust in the surrounding air. Ash tried to breathe, but half-way through the oxygen got stuck. The taste metal and dirt coated his mouth and tongue, as he choaked and coughed. His entire body ached, and Ash was pretty sure that he had just been blown up. Riolu an Pikachu were underneath him, Ash having some how tucked his Pokémon underneath him, shielding them. He could hear Goh groaning from some where to his left.

That left only one question...what the fuck hit them?


Rubble was being moved off his back, and he felt the concerned jumpy static that could only becoming from the telepathic Lucario. Sir Aaron wasn't far behind, his hand gently and firmly lifted the younger user back upright.

"Are you alright?" Sir Aaron asked, beginning to try to brush away the thick layer of dust that was coating Ash's body.

Ash coughed and choaked once more, and cleared the dirt from his watering eyes, but nodded. Glancing to the right he saw that Amanda was currently getting Goh back to his feet. She actually looked concerned in that moment. It was a focused concern, but concern none the less.

"What hit us?!" Goh said.

No one go the chance to say anything more...because a flash of blackened shadow blasted over their heads, and struck the wall behind them with a loud screech and crash. Pikachu, Umbreon, and Lucario, rushed to the head of the room, putting distance between the humans in their group and whatever the heck was shooting at them.

"I believe that would be me," A unknown and deep voice hummed. It sounded rich and smooth, but the undertone was filled with malice, like poisoned honey.

Ash looked up, and felt his stomach turn violently. That man standing just beyond the threshold of the giant hole in the wall, looked normal; pale complexation, snowy white hair, and eyes blacker and shaper then obsidian. He was dressed in a long trench coat, black as his eyes, and the rest of his outfit spoke of wealth and poise. However, despite his seemingly well put together appearance, the sight of him sent a shiver throughout Ash's whole body. Like something was slowly rotting underneath the polished exterior.

He felt Sir Aaron shiver as well, while Amanda tensed slightly. Goh didn't react nearly at all. Like he didn't know what type of danger stood in front of him.

"Who are you?" Sir Aaron said.

The stranger raised a playful brow, and almost seemed amused by the question, "Who am I? My, my, it has been a long time since anyone paid enough attention to me to ask that. Everyone always looked towards the brighter pupils."

"You didn't answer my question," Sir Aaron said.

The stranger rolled his eyes, "Goodness me, you already know that answer. Have you truly forgotten about me Aaron?"

Ash swallowed, and for a moment Sir Aaron looked unsure, "Do I know you?"

The stranger sighed, "That's what they all said," then his whistled a low trilling note.

Ash was instantly confused, however recognition flooded Sir Aaron face. It looked like he was suddenly splashed with cold water.

"Anwir?" Sir Aaron said.

The stranger (Anwir? What type of name was that?) started laughing, "The 'I've seen a ghost' expression never gets old."

"How are you alive?" Sir Aaron said.

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