Twenty three

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Lily stood in the kitchen with Arthur as she held annabella in her arms as she looked to her husband "did you talk to Tommy over what the hell just happened. We could of been killed and this is on his I mean I'll take responsibility for the fake I distracted you from having your eye on the job" she said as Arthur turned to face her

"This isn't on you doll. It's the mafia that Tommy has got involved with. Look I know how things are and I know it's not easy but I love you and I hate him you had to get your hands dirty for me" he said as she smiled

"I know the Type of man you are Arthur. I know what I have been through and I know it's not easy. But I know that deep down you are not a bad man. Your are my husband and you are a good man and what we did was to protect our family, our Bella" she said as he smirked as he took annabella from her and smiled

"This was a hit on me lil. I couldn't bare it if I put you in danger" he said as she looked to him and nodded

"I know. I know that your a good man and I know it's not easy but I have been in worse danger in my life. You need to talk to Tommy okay. I am not going to sit back and let anything eald happen because of his hands. I don't give a fuck if he is married to my sister. I can't loose my husband" she said as Arthur smiled

"I'll sort it. I promise" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She looked to annabella as she sat in his arms. She looked so happy to be with her father.

She knew that Arthur was a lot of things and he had been through a lot but he is a good man and he is a good father and she had learned to play dirty and she wasn't going to let anything bad happen to their family

Lily got to pollys. She saw Sierra, Ada and Polly and sighed "I heard that Arthur is fuming" Sierra asked as she looked to her sister. Polly picked up Isabella and held her close and smiled

"You can say that again. We had a close call. I know what I married into and fuck I never thought I'd have to get my hands dirty like I did. I never thought I'd have to get so bloody but it did. You need to talk to your husband as whatever he planning. My husband seems to be getting the blame for" lily said as she looked to Sierra who sighed

"Don't even ask me what my husband is up too. He's not listening, he won't even listen to poll. All I care over is keeping Isabella safe even if it means from her own father" Sierra said as lily frowned

She was shocked. She had no idea of the trouble that her sisters married was really in and it worried her

"One thing Tommy Shelby cares about is himself. He's always been the same" polly said as Sierra hung her head. Lily glanced to her as Ada said nothing before lily glanced back to the older woman who stood holding her daughter as she sighed.

She hated to admit it but she knew that polly did have a point


It was late at night as lily sat with annabella. She looked as Arthur walked in and smiled as she looked to him "look bella. It's daddy. Daddy's home" she said as Arthur walked towards the kitchen

"How's Polly" he asked

"She's polly"

"Was if her idea. Coming to work and seducing me" he asked as she sighed

"I'm going to it annabella to bed. I don't need ideas of anyone when it comes to fucking my husband. We had a baby and it's been so long, don't act as if you didn't enjoy it" she said as she placed annabella in her crib. She looked down at her baby and smiled

"I was meant to be at the meeting to vote" he said as she looked as he emptied the bullets out of his gun

"You want to know the deal. Yeah polly suggested it and do you know why. I don't want you dead because I fucking love you. Polly doesn't want you dead all because Tommy has you a suicide mission" she said as he picked up a bullet and loaded his gun

"Watch" he said as he grabbed the gun and pointed it to her chest

"If you have to do this then fire the gun and kill me" lily said as they looked to each other. She was on top of hun as he lay on the floor. He grabbed her by the throat with his over hand and pushed her away

"I have to do this Lillian. For John. I want put a bullet in you" he said as she stood up. She walked off and sighed

She was angry and annoyed. All that she wanted was to keep her his and alive but he was messing with the mafia in tommys orders. She was fearing that he was going to end up dead and she hated it

Lily lay in bed as Arthur got in beside her. "I get why you have to do it, I just wish that you didn't have too"

"Your not angel you know what I have covered up for you and Sierra. You have killed people. Grace, that ex" he said as she sighed

"I know that Arthur but it's different now and you know it. We have annabella and this is a lot more dangerous" she said as he nodded

"I swear on my life. On annabella, on us I will be careful and I will do all I can to stay safe" he said as she nodded

Lily knew that she had a bad feeling over it all. She knew that she was worried but she had no idea the risk that was about to become of it all

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