Chapter 8

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The season, and Donner's Squire training, was just passing its halfway mark. He was pretty much even with Lance in the morning run score, each taking the lead for a few days before eventually losing. Then there was one remarkable morning when Myles of all people actually won the day, he said that Sir Hughe had been training him quite hard in the basics lately. Early in their training, Myles seemed to not be one for Knighting, but Donner sensed he might be starting to get acclimated to the life.

Weeks of constant training with the other Squires under the forceful mentorship of Sir Jacques had earned the boys a day of rest. Theodore instructed Donner to get cleaned up, have a full bath, and dress in his formal wear. Which meant for Donner the cloak of Sir Theodore's symbol. After he dried off, he got in his cloak and hung his sword on his belt. He parted his hair to the side and looked himself over.

He was told that once ready, he was to meet Sir Theodore at the side entrance of the castle. Sir Theodore was waiting for him outside, enjoying a Greenleaf stick.

"Oh, Sir Donner," he said, dropping the stick and quickly stomping it out with his foot, "Be sure not to tell the Lady, okay?" he smiled.

"What do you mean, I haven't been formally introduced to Lady Dema,"

"Not yet you haven't," Theodore smiled as he opened the door and led Donner through the eastern halls of castle Woodsford. "You've been coming along nicely, my young Squire, are you enjoying your training?" Theodore asked.

"It's been an honor sir, I've learned so much, thank you," Donner smiled as he held his chest out following his mentor, "For training me, for picking me, any boy in the kingdom could have been your squire and to think you chose me, I mean it, it's such an honor,"

"I can't tell you how many rich nobles tried to foist their boys on me, I'd say I turned down at least ten thousand gold per boy, the highest price offered was Lord Fibonche's nephew, you've met him right? Myles. I must say I was surprised, Lord Fibonche's never been one to show dreams of knighthood, apparently was doing a favor for his sister. I know Sir Hughe certainly enjoyed pocketing Fibonche's coin."

Donner stopped in his tracks, stunned, "You turned down that much gold, just to have me as your squire?"

"Of course, I don't know why the nobles thought gold would impress me, I'm married to a princess for the sake of the Gods," he grinned.

"Yeah," Donner bit his lip and steeled himself. He was so focused on getting his training right to risk offending by diving into his Mentor's personal business. "I've wanted to ask you something since I was nine years old and you came to Hillshade in your duties,"

"I remember that visit, it was when I bought your father's Pauldron," Theodore said, tapping the well-made piece of armor on his shoulder.

"Sir Theodore, I wanted to ask, and forgive me if I'm prying," Donner's face contorted as he tried to find the right words, "How did you get Lady Dema to marry you?"

Theodore raised his eyebrows, confused by the question, "How did I get her to marry me?" he scoffed, "She loved me, and I loved her, simple as that," he smiled. "King John had invited me to a hunting party, it was a about a year after-"

"The Battle to the Last," Donner said, proud to know exactly what it was his mentor earned his title for.

"Yes, the Battle to the Last, where I bested-"

"Aldofo the scourge, the war with Diritan, you ended that war," Donner said.

"That I did, though it's not a day I remember as fondly as historians or other fans of our history. That was a battle where everyone killed everyone else. It was a chaotic field, people talk of battles fought to the last, but that battle is the only one where that statement would be literal if you described it as such."

Donner and Thalia: Satisfaction is Demanded (Episode 3)Where stories live. Discover now