In which Joel is supportive, Grian is done with it and Jimmy has a crisis

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English is not my native language!

Ship: Tango x Jimmy x Scott

Limited Life

Remember; this is how I view the characters, this is my way of portraying them. If at any point you discover you don't like the story or the way it's written or disagree with how I portraited the characters, you can leave.

Let me know what you thought of the story and what your favorite part was! Enjoy!


Jimmy loves both Tango and Scott and has a mental break down over it during Limited Life. Who does he choose? Scott or Tango? Who will he end up with?

Aka, Jimmy doesn't realise he has 2 hands


"Do you ever feel like your capable of loving more than 1 person?"

"What are you on about, mate?" Joel asked, pausing his wheat picking to shoot Jimmy a look. "Like, you love somebody, but when you think about it, you also love somebody else?" Jimmy asked, eyes distant as he sat on the edge of Bread Bridge. Joel sighed, putting the wheat away and taking place beside the other.

"What's on your mind?" Jimmy gave him a sideway glance, not really meeting his eyes. "Can you love two different people at the same time?" Joel shrugged. "Why not?" Jimmy looked back out over the woods. "How do you choose between the two?"

Joel thought about it for a moment. "I'm not sure," he sighed," Who are we talking about?" Jimmy moved his legs up, placing his head on his knees. "Scott... and Tango..." Joel nodded. Figured. "It's just... I still love Scott, there's no questioning it," Jimmy said, ever so softly," I've loved him ever since 3rd Life, maybe even before that. Him calling me his husband, lighted a fire within me and it's refusing to die down."

"Every time I look at him, I find myself hoping he will look back at me. Like he used to, with love in his eyes. No matter if it's teasing, flirting, messing with me, I want his attention. I carve it. I find myself doing stupid stuff just to get his attention. Steal his things, rummage through his chests, eat his food."

A shrug and a muttered 'you should really stop acting so stupid, it might get you killed'. "And then there's Tango," Jimmy continued," wonderful, amazing, sweet Tango. I was never going to be the same after Double Life. I hardly knew him before we got put together, but I couldn't be happier that we did. Instead of being upset for getting paired with me, he said he didn't mind. Said we'd make it to the end, together. We both know how that ended-" Joel snorted.

"-and yet, he still wasn't upset with me. He never was. Kept apologising for dying to that Creeper, even after I lost us our 2 other lives. And through it all, he took care of me. Made sure I was alright, that I was comfortable. Tried to cook for me once, failed horribly. Went mining to get me diamonds. Just- overwhelming love and care."

A tear slipped from his eyes as he recollected his and Tango's time together. Joel patted him on the back. "And now, every time our paths cross, those feelings resurface," Jimmy said with a sigh," and they keep flirting with me! And I just don't know how to feel or how to act or what to do-"

"Is Timmy whining about his exes again?"

Jimmy almost slipped off of the edge, almost toppling to the ground and probably dying of fall damage, if not for Joel sticking his arm out to keep him from falling. "Grian!" Jimmy shouted," Don't sneak up on us!" Grian rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. "And I'm not 'complaining' about my exes," he grumbled, hiding his face in his arms," this is serious."

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