Inner love.

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"Bree, I'm stuck, I can't get out!" my inner conscience screamed. She needed to escape the cold depths of my heart to find love, but she couldn't. I wasn't ready to open my heart to love just yet.

I had opened the door to my heart only once before, but that was a long time ago. I was just waiting for my Prince Charming to arrive.

There I sat wallowing on a lonely, cold, metal park bench. As a thirty year old woman, it was hard to persevere and find love. My last had nearly taken all that I had. I was deep in thought when a mysterious man in a dark, heavy trench coat sat next to me. I cautiously prepared to leave, but then thought better of the idea. I was in no position to flee.

We sat in silence as the warm July breeze blew upon us. I half-heartedly watched as the California surfers climbed the royal blue waves below. I was so lost in thought when I heard a quiet grumble ask "Do you come here often?"

"Pardon, sir?" I asked with a quiet breath.

"I wanted to know if you come here often." The man replied with a bitter edge on each word.

"Oh, yes, sorry. I didn't mean to anger you." I stammered quickly.

My conscience was now listening intently. I wondered if she saw something in this mystery man. "May I ask, what is your name? Sir." I asked in a slightly flirtatious manner.

"Cliff, Cliff Johnson." He stated with a new warmness to his voice. My conscience was now pounding on the door of my heart. Begging to be let out. The pounding of my conscience in my heart was so deafening, I missed Cliff ask my name.

"Oh, sorry. my name is Bree McDaniel." My conscience took over my ability to speak. 'Don't ruin this!' I heard her cry. 'Let me guide you.' she coaxed.

"Can we go somewhere private?" I involuntarily asked. "Maybe we could grab a bite to eat?" I suggested apprehensively.

"Sure." Cliff said in a monotone whisper.

We were soon sat down in a wobbly table at a run down pizza parlor. "What can I get you two?" asked the surprisingly chipper waitress.

"Water." grumbled Cliff. He seemed to be uninterested in the choice of food so he added, "and nothing else. I'm not hungry."

"I'll get a diet Pepsi with the Greek Chicken calzone." I said. I faltered at the end when I noticed someone eating a calzone at another table. It didn't seem to be very appetizing. However, I was really in need of a filling meal.

We sat in silence for a while. I ate my mushy calzone while Cliff sipped periodically at his luke-warm water. When I decided I was full I gazed questioningly at Cliff. He answered by standing abruptly and retrieving his coat. "This was nice." I said in a sing-songy voice.

"Ya." He grunted. He paid for our meal and we walked out. "Do you need me to walk you home?" Cliff asked. My conscience suddenly took over as I was about to deny the request. "Sure!" the word was forced out of my mouth before I could stop them. "That would be great." I continued.

I guess he was trying to unlock the door to his heart too.

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