To Open A Heart

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We continued going on 'dates' nearly everyday, which always ended with Cliff kindly walking me home. Each day I got closer to unlocking the door to my heart, but I still couldn't fit the key, that of which was my will, into that lock that kept me in solitude.

Cliff and I grew nearly inseparable and I was always with him, or wishing that I was. I could tell that he had been weary at first, because now that we were together more, he had let his guard drop. I learned that Cliff was a passionate, loving, and caring man. He was also only thirty-four, which was an added bonus!

Finally I felt that I was ready to open the door to my heart. Finally, my inner conscience could escape. Her only duty had been to guide me to love. Now that I believed I had found it, I could try to keep it. "Cliff, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked cautiously. This time it was me who thought of the words. "I think that I love you." I continued, hoping that he felt the same way.

"Bree, of course! I thought we already were dating." Cliff confirmed after several moments. "And... I think that I love you too." He finished. All that I could think was 'Wow. This must be what real love feels like!' My heart faulted for several seconds. My conscience was opening the door. I could here the hinges squeal, rusty from lack of use, as the door was pushed open. I had an embarrassing hiccup as my conscience escaped. I knew, however, that she would always be close. Ready to guide me if I lost love.

Finally, my conscience had escaped the cold depths of my now love filled heart!

-Authors note-
Hey everyone! This book is done already because it was only for a contest. So no updates! Sorry. I hope you enjoyed it

Yours truly

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