Chapter 34

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Natasha wakes up to the movement of her niece and nephew jumping on her bed.

"Auntie Nat! Wake up!" Lila says.

"Careful what you wish for," she says as she playfully tickles both kids and they laugh, squirming to get away. The redhead lets them breathe and Lila comes closer to snuggle against her with Cooper laying at her feet.

Natasha might not be able to have her own kids, but she loves being an aunt. It was little things like being called "Auntie Nat" that made her heart swell.

She sees Laura come in the room, smiling. "Alright kiddos let's let Auntie Nat start getting ready. Cooper, dad's going to help you with your tie, and Lila I'll be in here if you need help with your dress."

Both kids get off the bed and leave the room.

"Thanks for letting them be the flower girl and ringbearer," Natasha says as she gets up.

"You're welcome. They have been looking forward to it all week."

Natasha smiles then takes a breath.

"You nervous," Laura asks.

"Not really," Natasha replies. "I'm just ready to be married already."

"I know the feeling. When I married Clint, I was ready for the day to be over with too. I never told you this, but I had always hoped you'd find someone who made you feel the way Clint makes me feel. I remember you turning down every guy who asked you out," Laura said while laughing. "Those poor men looked like kicked puppies."

Natasha chuckles and shakes her head. "It didn't help that some of them were full of it. You got lucky with Clint."

"Yeah, a few of the agents had massive egos. Clint was a gentleman when I met him, but there was something else about him made him stand out from the others."

"I get it," Natasha says in an understanding voice. "Bruce has always been like that in my eyes. Some people don't get it, but I don't think they see how sweet and caring he really is."

Laura spends the morning helping Natasha get ready. The redhead helps her friend with her hair, then the two help Lila when she comes in.

Natasha looks at her reflection in the mirror. She decided against a veil and white dress, opting for black with red at the bottom. Her hair is wavy and tame, and her makeup is light.

Clint comes in the room when the two are finished, announcing that Tony, Thor and Steve have arrived, and Fury and Hill were on the way.

"What about Bruce," Natasha asks.

"Tony said he went to talk to Strange and he'll catch a portal with him."

That made her feel better. She knew he wouldn't leave her at the alter, but there are many things that could prevent him from showing up. From Ross to an accidental hulk out, the list was endless.

About an hour later the ceremony was about to start. Natasha was inside the house, her arm around Clint's, who's giving her away.

"You look beautiful," he tells her.

"Thanks Clint."

Strange opened the door to cue it was time. Bruce asked him to be the usher, even though the only guests were Sam, Rhodney, Jane, and Hill's date.

When she and Clint reached the beginning of the aisle, her eyes found Bruce's. He looks at her in awe and she can't help but smile as her eyes water and she blinks away a few tears.

As she got closer, she could see a few tears falling down his face and watches him take a breath to keep himself from fully breaking down, but he never broke eye contact.

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