Epilogue | Let Me Say Goodbye

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"Now... how beautiful is that?"

Master extends a hand and picks a flower from the ground. They smell it and make a face I can only describe as pure bliss.

"They finally grew," I say, waving my hand out at the meadow. "It really is beautiful."

Master takes the red rose and approaches me, placing it gently in my fur. I don't resist. When they're done, they adjust it one more time, then step back and act as if they're taking a photo of me with their fingers.

I love it when Master acts like this. So silly and free.

"How do I look?" I say, too nervous to do anything else but feel the rose on the top of my head.

"Adorable," Master says. I end up letting out a giggle and turn my head. To my surprise, Master's fingers touch my chin and redirect my eyes onto them. There's such a smug look on their face. Playful.

"I'm sorry we didn't do more of this together when we had the chance," they say. "You know, before everything happened."

I shake my head firmly. "Don't apologize. We're doing it now, aren't we?"

Master does not look amused. "I guess, but now you're stuck here." Their eyes lift to the gray sky — the air within our Headspace. I look up as well, saddened by the dull, empty atmosphere this world reeks of. I don't let Master know that I feel this way. Things happened as they should have.

"It's okay. You'll visit me here, won't you?"

Master is hesitant, but they nod eventually. "I will. Of course I will."

Master grabs my paws and stares in my eyes. Their expression, so soft. Their touch, so warm. I grasp their hands, too, only tighter and like I never want to let go.

"Will you be okay here?" they ask. "All alone?"

I think for a moment, considering the position I'm in. Stuck in this realm of thoughts and memories. Although much has changed since Master successfully pulled the other Lopunny into the time jump, I still feel...

How do I say it?



Both, I think. It hurts to admit but I really don't want Master to leave me here. If they do, I'll just be left to stare off into the sky, hold onto the rose they placed in my fur, wistfully wish for them to come back.

Despite these feelings, I answer to my Master. "I'll miss you, but I'll be okay."

A sad smile crosses their face. "I'll come back. I won't leave you for long."

I have to fight back tears as Master says this. I don't want them to go.

"Promise?" I say.

And they rest a hand on my head, ruffling my fur gently, and say, "Promise."

I can't resist. I melt in their touch and cry. I hold onto them and I don't want to let go. I never want to let go. They cradle me for a while here, rocking me to and fro, petting my fur, pouring that warmth over me.

My Master...

My sweet, precious Master...

They wipe my tears and I lean on their chest, lifting my chin slightly to meet their eyes. We share a moment of silence before I work up the courage to say what I've been avoiding saying.

With a sigh, I finally ask them.

"Ready to wake up?"

And Master, with that undeniably lovable flare in their eye, grins down at me.

"I'm gonna do it right this time," they say.

Before we part, Master places a kiss on my forehead. A warm wind blows through this barren place as we say our goodbyes, making me think that even for a dead world such as this, there still is life to be witnessed...

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