Who will he choose in the end?

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Summary: Sirius tried talking Y/n out of their relationship with Regulus, and it almost works...

Regulus Black x GN!reader

Literally Regs face trough this entire story:

"I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you that what you are doing is a dangerous game

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"I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you that what you are doing is a dangerous game." Sirius said and you sighed annoyed. "Leave it, Sirius, this is my choice, and you literally told me I 'wasn't allowed' to date Regulus, so you are in fact telling me what to do, and I don't take commands."

You where in your dorm during lunch break as you had woken up quite late that morning and didn't have time to get ready.

Sirius -one of your best friends- was waiting for you so the two of you could head down to lunch, when the topic of your love life came up.

You finished packing you bag and headed to you small desk with a mirror on it, putting your jewellery on.

"You are playing with the devil, Y/n, if you don't watch out he'll burn you." Sirius hissed and you let out an amused chuckle. "What a way with words, Padfoot. Just calm down, I know what I'm doing." You reassured.

"And tell me, what will happen the moment he gets the dark mark? The moment he joins them? Who do you think he will choose? you, or Voldemort?" Sirius said and you froze, hands still by your ear where you just poked your earring trough.

"That's just the future." You whisper. "I know you hope to have a future with him, but we both know it can't happen, we both know who he will choose." Sirius said and you sighed. "Let's just go." You put your bag over your shoulder and left the room.

Before the door could close behind you, Sirius stopped it and also slipped out, following you out of the common room.

The walk to the great hall was silent. You two didn't talk, both not sure on what to say. The only thing you could think about where Sirius' words.

'Who do you think he will choose? You, or Voldemort?' 'We both know who he will choose.'

When they arrived, your eyes didn't wander to the Slytherin table as they always did when you walked in, though you weren't really sure why.

Even though you didn't look, you could feel his eyes on you and even more when you sat with your back to him, which you never did.

Regulus leaned with his chin on his hands as he watched you sit down at the Gryffindor table with your back to him, which you had never done before since the relationship started.

He didn't see anything off as you laughed with the Pettigrew boy and bickered with his brother.

"Whats wrong, Reg?" Pandora asked him with her usual dreamy voice. "Somethings weird, their not looking at me." He said and Pandora looked over at you.

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