Chapter 5. Movie Night

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"Well, we could go back to the party? Or we could stay here and chill for a bit." George said as he turned to face Dream who was now looking more comfortable then he was at that crowded party. "Um, could we maybe stay here?" Dream responded looking down at the ground. George looked at Dream with a caring smile. "Sure. We could watch a movie if you want." "That would be nice." Dream replied with a thankful grin. 

George and Dream headed towards that couch and sat down. George sat on the left side of the couch while Dream sat on the right side. "Oh! I can make some popcorn real quick!" George said excitedly as he got up and went into the kitchen. Dream chuckled and got up to follow George.

 Once they were both in the kitchen, George grabbed a pot with a lid, put seeds in and some oil, and he let it sit on the now hot surface of the stove. George leaned against the counter as Dream sat on one of the 2 spinning chairs that rested in front of the counter. George rested his elbows and folded his hands onto the counter. Dream, from across the counter, did the same and they stared at each other smiling. It was a goofy moment for sure, but they both knew it would be one to remember. George's smile grew wider and soon enough, he started to laugh. Dream quickly joined in and let out a long, and very loud, wheeze. They both soon settled down and just stared at each other and George realized that there was still popcorn on the stove. He quickly panicked and turned around to see the popcorn all ready. How long had they been staring at each other? Who knows, but all that mattered was, it was movie time now. 

George took the pot and set it on a pot holder which was on the counter where George was only moments ago. He went into a cupboard and took out a large bowl. He then poured the hot, warm, deliciously smelling popcorn into the bowl. Dream watched from the spinny chair and couldn't help but notice how careful and delicate George was. You could tell he was focused on not spilling a single kernel.

  Dream was snapped out of his trance when he saw George turn to face him with a bowl full of popcorn, a cheery grin resting on George's face. Dream smiled back and stood up to head back on to the couch. George followed right behind him and they both sat back down where they were before. George set the giant bowl of popcorn in between them on the couch, and turned on the TV. 

"What do you want to watch?" George said as he scrolled through the channels he had on his Roku TV. "Hmmm..... Do you have Gnomeo and Juliet?" Dream asked in an asking manner. "You mean the movie about the red and blue gnomes?" George asked, making sure he heard him right. "Yeah. I know it's kinda child-ish, but I kinda like it." Dream said shyly as he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Oh, no! It's fine! I just wanted to make sure we were thinking of the same movie." George said quickly, realizing he probably made Dream uncomfortable. 

Dream was thankful for this and smiled at George who was now searching on his TV for the movie. George started typing in the name of the movie when he was interrupted by the sound of a laugh coming from his right. George whipped his head to see Dream holding in his fit of laughter. "What's so funny?" He asked as he continued to stare at a Dream who was now trying to hold back his tears of laughter. "You're spelling it wrong!" Dream eventually blurted out loudly as he finally gave up trying to hold in his laughter. George looked at the TV then back at the blonde haired boy laughing next to him. "No I'm not! It's spelled that way!" George said, confused. Dream laughed even harder at this and eventually stopped laughing and took the remote from George's hands. Dream started pressing the back button when the remote was swiped out of his hands.

 He turned to see George retyping it the wrong way again. Dream smirked and took the remote back, pressing the back button as fast as he could before George ended up taking it again. "GEORGE YOU'RE SPELLING IT WRONG!" Dream shouted as he took the remote back again. "NO I AM NOT!" George responded as he tried reaching for the remote again, but Dream quickly raised the remote up high enough for George to not be able to reach it. George stood up, (making sure not to spill the popcorn bowl which was still resting in between them,) And stood hovering over Dream as he tried to reach for it again. 

Dream then stood up as well and held the remote even higher for George to not to get it. George then grabbed Dream's arm to try to pull it down for the remote, but instead of sending just Dream's arm down, he ended up pulling his arm too hard, causing Dream to lose his balance and topple over George. George fell backwards onto the floor with Dream on top of him.

They both froze as they stared into each other's eyes. They could feel each other's breath on one another's cheeks. Dream stared at George with wide eyes as he could feel a warm sensation starting to appear on his cheeks. Dream immediately stood up, and with the remote still in hand, he avoided eye contact as he said, "S-sorry..." George felt a burning on his face as well and hated himself for it. He shouldn't be blushing. It was an accident. "It's fine..." George said while he still laid on the floor trying to process what just happened. He closed his eyes trying to picture himself anywhere but there. It was too embarrassing. What if Dream got so weirded out, he would never want to come back? He opened his eyes back up to see a hand extended towards him. George hesitated but took it. Dream had helped him up. Maybe things were fine. Maybe Dream was fine. "Thanks." George said as he let go of Dream's hand. "So, you wanna watch that movie now Georgie?" Dream said in a kind manner. "Georgie? Where did that come from?" He asked questionably. "I just thought of it as i was helping you up!" Dream said, proud that he had come up with the name all on his own. "Alrighty then." George said as he giggled slightly. Dream was distracted, so George took this as his chance to take the remote back. George grabbed the remote and practically leaped onto the couch so Dream couldn't get him. "Ok, ok. Fine. You win. Now search up the movie with your weird spelling." Dream said in defeat as he sat back down on the couch. "I will!" George said in a teasing manner.

Hey Guys! Sorry for not writing! I have been busy! Tell me what you think should be in the next chapter, cause i need ideas! :) Also, Thank you so much for the people who have made it this far! :D 

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