Chapter 9. The "Dream"

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He felt water. *water?* he thought to himself. *strange*. George opened his eyes to see water. It was the ocean. He was in it. But he wasn't drowning, oh no, he was breathing underwater. *But how?* He thought as he looked up. He was slowly going lower and lower into the depths of the cold ocean. And that was the truth, it was cold, but an odd type of cold, it wasn't a type of cold where you would want a coat and a campfire near you. No. This was the kind of cold that you would feel in your mind, *Numb? Paralysed?* There were so many words to describe it but yet not enough at the same time. He opened his mouth and bubbles came out, *Why am I not drowning? And why am I not panicking?* George pondered as he sank further and further. He continued to look up as the last sign of light faded into black. 

He didn't try to swim up, but why? Why didn't he try? Where was he? Why couldn't he move? He closed his eyes to accept his fate when he felt a hand grab his wrist. It pulled him up, out of the water, out of the misery and loneliness that he had suffered in for years. The hand pulled him up, up, up; until he saw a tint of light leaking through his eyelids. He slowly opened his eyes to see a familiar figure with dirty blonde hair and emerald eyes helping him and holding his wrist. It was Dream. 

Dream pulled George up so he could hold him up to his chest. George didn't move the whole time and just let it happen. He had a feeling he had only felt once in his life; the feeling of trust and safety. As Dream had his arms around him to secure George, George slowly put his arms around Dream as well. Dream stopped swimming up and froze in the water. George looked up at Dream who was looking dead forward, almost as if he was avoiding eye contact. *Did I do something wrong? Should I let go? I don't know what to do-* Dream looked down at him with no expression on his face. It was a blank expression that George could not make out if it was bad or good. Dream then gave him a warm smile and hugged George tighter. George was a bit confused but hugged back.

 George leaned his head on Dream and Dream leaned his head on George's. George slowly closed his eyes and smiled. *This is a dream right? It has to be, after all, how else would I be able to breathe underwater. But, why does it feel so real, why does he feel so real?* George looked back up at Dream, causing Dream to look back. "I can wait for infinity George, say the word and I'll be there". Dream said. George continued to look at Dream until he realised something. This wasn't the Dream he knew. This Dream had a scar on his eye, and bruises all along his arms. *Is he okay?* George thought to himself and almost as if on cue, Dream stated, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine". But George knew he wasn't 'okay'. He was hurt, clearly. It showed and it made George hurt inside. 

George tried to speak, but when he tried, a bunch of bubbles came out of his mouth. *Why can't I speak?* He thought to himself. "It's okay George." Dream said, holding George tighter. *This isn't right, what's happening,* Just then, George started to feel dizzy and his vision grew blurry. He looked up at Dream and tried to talk once more, to tell him he didn't feel okay. But when he opened his mouth, only bubbles came out. 

"It's okay George..." Dream paused. "This will all be over soon..." *What?* George thought until all of a sudden, he started to choke, he was inhaling the ocean water. It was going into his lungs with no sign of stopping and George started to really panic. *Am I drowning? What's happening? Why isn't Dream helping me?* George thought to himself as Dream continued to hold George with a stern look in his eyes. These thoughts circled in his head like a tornado until he realised something, *Dream's trying to drown me. Isn't he... God I'm so stupid, I should've never trusted him. I've only known him for less than a week, but why do I feel so close to him? I'm such an idiot.* George thought as he continued to choke with his lungs practically begging him for air. George looked down at his body and saw his arms had cracks in it. *This is it. I never should have trusted him. I should've known better than to have trusted a stranger with my thoughts. My feelings. My world.*

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